Attention- Charlie Puth

42 6 25

Requested by Noddyluvs1D , who sent a list I've, but I've actually thought about reviewing this before so this was kinda my motivation

Alright here I go:

Favorite lyric: "I knew from the start, you're just making sure I'm never getting over you"

What I like about it: ok I looove how this is basically a diss track against Bella Thorne 🐸☕️
To me, this song sounds pretty soulful? Idk how u would describe it, but it's really cool. My mom thinks so too (he was on Jimmy Fallon and she was actually dancing to it HA)

Track artwork: if u stick around after the music vid is over, it shows a clip of him recording this song on his phone, followed by the artwork. I like how it's just the title of the single, and nothing too fancy.

What I don't like about it: while I do like the soulful (?) sound of this, I feel like he could've added more to it to make it even better

Overall: little known fact: i actually do know a few of his songs and love his voice bc it's just a beautiful sound, it's a beautiful noise (🐸☕️) and how he sounds good LIVE AS WELL..
His wonky eyebrow doesn't even bother me tbh *shrugs*

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