IV - Harassing Harris!

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He seemed serious with the look on his face.

"What is it that you want this time?" I ask seriously composing myself while looking at him.

He is undeniably good looking with his age. Yes, I read his file on my table. It was accidentally mixed in the reports and I admit I was tempted to read it after Dad called.

"I wanted to talk." he said briefly still standing by the door with his hands on his pocket.

"If you're here to annoy me, please don't waste my time, Harris."

"Annoy you? Why should I? I just want to talk."

"About what? I just fired you a while ago. Why are you still here?" I ask emphasizing every word I said.

"I can't leave. I have to work and I apologize for what happened a while ago." now his voice were soft and he looked serious.

"If you want to work then do your job and don't keep on running around kissing women you don't know. That's harassment, Harris!"

"Hey! I did not kiss any woman. You kissed me in the first place. That could be harassment, Graciella."

I feel that I turn red in an instant hearing his counter words. He's right, I kissed him but I can't let him enjoy seeing me embarrassed with words that came out from my own mouth.

"How dare you accuse me of harassing you! It was you who grab me in the hallway early in the morning."

"Grabbing you is not harassment, Graciella." he said it with a grin and I want to strangle him right at this very moment. Where did he take the guts to annoy me in every word he said? "Besides, I have no intention of ki..."

"Shut up! Now get out! And don't talk to me until I ask you to." I hazed with annoyance at what he said. He really pissed me off like he forgot I'm his boss.

"Okay! Relax! I'm just outside if you want to talk." he said with a grin and walk out of the door.

I slammed the table with my fist hoping to release my anger for Harris.

"Of all people, why... YOU! ARRGHHHH!" I'm red in anger for that arrogant creature outside my office who for sure is grinning right now thinking he won this time.

I sit on my chair and laid my back on my seat trying to relax and think straight. I'm the CEO of this company and I should control myself from doing something stupid like firing all employees that makes me angry.

I take a deep breath and tried to get back to work mode. I can't be wasting my time getting angry with my assistant. I have a lot of things to learn and to do.

I focused my attention to the reports I left when Harris came in. I was engrossed with it that I haven't notice time passed by so fast and it was almost time for lunch.

I heard my phone beep when a message came in. I read an unknown number and wondered when it says "Wanna have lunch with me?"

"Who's this please?" I asked in my reply with arched eyebrows.

"Harris". A one word reply which made my heart beat fast. I feel uneasy knowing he knows my number. How did he get it? He's texting my personal number and not the company phone I am using.

"Where did you get my personal number?" I asked starting to get annoyed.

"Your Dad gave it to me a while ago." his reply.

"He gave it that easy? Don't text me or call me on my personal number. I don't want to have lunch with you."

"Okay!" his reply.

The CEO's Assistant (formerly Lucky Grace) Where stories live. Discover now