VI - Better Introduction

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The meetings went smoothly with Harris present at my side. I can't imagine he's being professional and focused during the entire meeting. He seemed to know everybody and seemed to know matters which I just encountered.

He's very different from the Harris I meet this morning. He's very far from the Harris who never failed to pissed me every time he tried to talk to me.

Is this the reason why Dad assigned him to me?

Well, I admit I am thinking twice right now but another part of my brain is telling me not to fall for the facade he is wearing. Maybe he's just pretending to be a good man in front of me because I am giving him an ultimatum.

Be smart, Gracie! Don't let him fool you and laugh at you after.

"Meeting with the Marketing Department in fifteen minutes." he announced as I stood up from my chair and saunter to the door.

"I know! You don't have to tell me over and over again." I irritably said.

Hey! He's just doing his job. No need to be mad at him.

The good part of me yelled in my head. Well, I am a good person to people who are good to me but I am the worst to those who deserve it.

Harris was silent in the next minute until we join the Marketing Team in the conference room.

I wanted to apologize to Harris for what I said a while ago but something in me stopped me from doing it.

I just look at him and nudge the feeling away. I should be firm with my conviction. I should not let another guy fool me. It's a shame on me if I let them do that to me.

As usual, he did some good act during the meeting which impressed me more than I could imagine. He seems to know everyone else inside the room and he knows very well who did this one and that.

I felt like I was just asked to join that meeting just to hear their reports but all in all, Harris did the rounds. I talk only when my approval is needed.

Is this why my father assigned him to me? Because he is who I need especially during the first few days of my being in this position?

He has Dad's trust and confidence over running a company. I wonder why he stayed as an assistant when in fact he can take my position if he wants.

That occupied my mind during the meeting and until we separate ways after.

The moment I was confined in my office and away from Harris' line of sight, I dialled Russ number. He's the only one I can talk to about things I wanted to clarify.

"Hey, Gracie!" he answered on the first ring.

"Hi, Russ! Busy?" I cared to ask because my call isn't about business or something and I know he's at Dad's office right now.

"Nope! What is it?"

"Oh, ahm. . .I just wanna ask something. About Harris."

Silence came in from his line and I know I got his attention this time.

"What about him? Still in doubt of re-hiring him?"

"No. I mean. . .He's still at work. Been busy actually. I would like to ask you about his work. Do you know why he's working as an assistant?"

"Is that out of curiosity or planning something against him?"

I can't believe Russ was thinking that way. Is he serious? I maybe pissed with Harris but I'm not that bad to plan something that might affect his career.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Oct 22, 2020 ⏰

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