Rubys Story

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As I tighten my grip onto my sleeve, I watch as Rubys eyes sparkle a little before sharing with me, the story of that night.

"It all started with a kiss. This was before that night. This was 4 months ago. I started falling in love with Michael. You know him, right? Yeah, I love him. We were with our friends, Ashely, Dale and Martine. We all met up that day, we are all really close, we were really close. That time, we were planning to go on a picnic, we all brought something to add to the table, to fill our stomachs. I brought sandwiches, wraps and drinks, the others mostly brought junk food. Apart from Martine, she brought beers."

"How'd she get beers? Isn't that illegal?" I interrupt, a little dissapointed in this Martine person.

"I don't know about how she got them but we were all surprised by her actions, she never did anything like this before. The guys were all up for grabs on those beers, everyone was drinking, excluding me, I was smart enough to know there would be no way back home if I chugged those beers, too. I was the designated driver, sober. I was the only one that remembered everything clearly that night. Michael kissed me with his alcohol infused lips, it came as a shock it I didn't say no. Everyone was cheering us on. For a moment, I forgot there was people watching, Michael surely didn't care either way, he was holding me by my face, suffocating me with his kiss. As I pushed him away slightly, gasping for air. Michael looked upset. Martine felt sorry for him and patted his head, she asked is he needed the job finished by her--" Ruby looks at me with sad eyes before finishing her sentence.

"I'm sorry. That must of been bad." I say apologetically, sympathising for her, I scooch over to her and pat her head and give her a slight nudge, to let her get on with the story.

"Thanks. Well luckily, Michael pushed Martine away and gawked 'No' very prominently. Now, Martine looked upset and looked down to her lap whilst the others started to laugh uncomfortably. Martine has been my friend the longest out of the rest, but that day she acted very different to her usual self. I thought that maybe, the attention we were getting at school for being a very appealing group of friends, was getting to her head. I didn't know anything and I didn't bother asking, maybe that was the problem." She sighed.

"The next day. I texted Michael, asking him about what happened last night and if it meant anything. It was my first kiss. He replied with, 'I'v been meaning to tell you that I like you, but the timing has never right. So, I'm telling you now that I like you. Sorry that its over text'. He is smarter than he looks, he is doing well in English, he even texts with proper grammar.
We had started dating from then on, it was all fine and dandy. Until, the night you almost run me over, again." She looked at me with a dead sharp glance, but then laughed it off awkwardly.

"I have been meaning to apologise. Sorry about these re-occuring incidents." I say meaningfully enough.

"Yeah, it's okay, I guess." She laughs

"You're a good story teller. Don't stop now." I say.

"Well, that night there was a party going on somewhere and we all decided to go together. I was wearing a beautiful beige-coloured floral dress. I hate the stereotype that beige is a boring colour, it's one of my favourites actually. And this particular dress was stunning, I felt stunning, I really did, in that dress. I was getting picked up by Michael, which I was excited for, I wanted him to see me in this stunning dress. I put on some makeup, some light brown eye-shadow, nude lips and perfectly semetrical eyebrows. That's when I heard the car horn beep, as soon as I finished putting on the lipstick. I ran out the door in a flash, locking the door behind me, I'm not that oblivious. I waved at Michael, when I noticed Martine in the seat behind his as I placed my backside onto the passenger seat beside him. He smiled apologetically.

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