'Not A Date'

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Mornings, dreadful little beasts. Can ruin your whole day in a flash. Gosh. I barely slept at all, over-thinking the day before. Which I realise now, I couldn't change. At least, I have the day at the cinema to look forward to.

I haven't actually chosen a movie for us to watch, I don't know if Im the one who should choose or if it should be a team choice. I sign into my Facebook for the first time in a while and type his name onto the search bar. I click onto his profile and start typing.

Hey. I know this is pathetic but would you like to help me choose the movie or...?

Xavier- typing...
Sure. Let me google what should be playing today.

Life saver.

What kind of movies are you into?

To be honest, as long as there is an engaging plot then I'll watch it.

What if it's really old. The classics.

I've watched old-timey movies before, they are actually very comedic.

I'm obsessed with these old-timey movies. The black and white screen..

I wouldn't mind black and white. I couldn't handle silent movies, though.

I found some drive in cinemas. As long as you wouldn't mind being out a little later in colder weather.

Veronica- typing...
That sounds nice.

Text me your address. I'll pick you up.

This sounds like a date. I may be realising this a little late, but that's a date, right? I always wanted to go to one of those drive through movies. I didn't know there were any in this boring, old town.

This is going to be something. I'm not sure what that something is yet.


For the time being, I'll binge watch some TV show. First the research, which consists of trending YouTube trailers of new and exciting movies and shows. Next, the googleing of any available servers which could play the the bloody thing. Usually, the plan fails and I sign into my Netflix to search up something there.

After hours of intense cozying up into my bed whilst watching TV shows on my laptop. I hear my phone bleep, signalling a text message, something I'm not exactly used to.

Start getting ready.

Okay. That was brief.

Veronica- typing...
Aii aii, captain.
Sure thing.


I raid my closet. As you can imagine, I am not really a picky dresser, but for this occasion I dont wan't to just throw anything on. I look at my dresses, no too cold for that, I look at my shorts, when was the last time I wore these? I look at my jeans, yes.

I put on some light-coloured denim jeans, with a nice coral pink top- shoulders bare. I know what you are thinking, and yes I do own some frisky clothing, and no I have never worn any of them. I match the outfit with some cute jewelry here and there. I tie my hair up into a loose bun, not because loose buns are all the rage but because I can't do buns properly.

Then, I put on some lipstick.

Some beautiful lipstick that my mom brought for me, on my last birthday, that I only wear on special occasions.

The doorbell rings. This reminds me of Rubys story which doesn't sit well with me.

I rush down the stairs only to find my mom has already opened the door to the freshly groomed prince. He looks like a completely different guy without his unnecessarily long hair.
I smile at him as he smiles at me.

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