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[I'm just going to use the ref I used for Gauken Academy]

Nation Name: Alaska

Human Name: Jason Braginsky-Jones [i never know if I spell Ivan's last name right -_-]

Age: physically 16, 150 years old [bought in 1863, made a state in 1959]

Sexuality: Asexual Panromantic/Demiromantic


{he also has blue eyes, as well as a scar on his stomach due to the Anchorage earthquake]

Personality: Jason is a bit cold. He's quite a loner and it takes him a little to trust. It's not due to any "tragic past", he's just really bad at socializing due to being one of the most isolated states. Once he warms up to people... you can find that he is a bit of a huge dork. He's an animal lover and a geek.

Flaws: He's kind of antisocial, he has zero coordination in any sense [making accidents with his tools very easy], he's way too critical of his own work and will spend HOURS on the most ridiculous details, and he often drifts off to his own thoughts during conversations. He has a tendency to overthink things and never due them due to the countless scenarios of "what if" he dreams up.

Likes: Animals, sledding, snow, rain, drawing, technology, photography, tinkering with random things, inventing, indie music

Dislikes: The heat, smoking, bacon, random strangers asking him how he is, bees/wasps/hornets/anything that stings, country music

Allies: The other states, America, Canada, and generally the allies of the USA

Enemies: Really just enemies of the USA [if Russia is one {with all the political mess I can't even tell}, he wouldn't be]... he doesn't make enemies unless someone constantly tries to annoy him.

Family: The states, USA, and Russia

Crush: N/A at the moment

History: Alaska was purchased from Russia by America [specifically William Seward] in 1867 for $7.2 million dollars. Not many people believed Alaska had anything to offer, so the purchase was nicknamed "Seward's Folly". However, gold was discovered in Alaska in the 1890s. During WWII, Alaska was occupied by Japan on two of its islands, Attu and Kiska. In 1957, oil was found in the Swanson river, and on January 3, 1959, Alaska was made a state.
Other Information:
- He has this weird mannerism of doing a one fingered "salute" instead of saying goodbye
- He has insomnia and chronic fatigue. poor boy cannot feel well rested.
- He'll always have a Fidget Cube on him so he can focus on what he needs to.
- He has a grey beanie he will wear whenever he can.
- He talks to himself to help him analyze things. It can sound really creepy.
- If he ever gets stressed out by life [which can happen quite a bit], he will isolate himself and draw. Doesn't matter what he's doing, what he needs to do, or anything like that, he'll just drop everything and destress.
-He's got depression [doesn't help that he lives in total darkness for half the year...], but he's pretty good at not letting it show. He has meds for it so he doesn't get as affected by it.
Theme Song: Forest by Twenty One Pilots [why hello I'm TOP trash and this was one of the less depressing songs i could think of]

Extra personality info:

Jason is a bit socially adept, so he'll often go off about "taboo" stuff without realizing it. He's a bit overprotective of the people he really cares about, and he'll often keep tabs on anyone he hears cross about. He has a tendency to hold grudges if someone does something to make him annoyed, but he'll let it go eventually.  

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