3p! Alaska

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Nation Name: 3p!Alaska

Human Name: Kane Braginsky-Jones

Age: Looks about 16, 150 years old

Orienetation: Polysexual

Gender: Male


He also has an eyepatch

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He also has an eyepatch...


Kane is a bit of a wild card. He can be the sweet and charming student who wants to help, but at the same time, he can be... a bit insane. He's quite dangerous, although he can be calm sometimes if the situation calls for it. He's very easy to tick off, but he doesn't express his anger in a typical way. Nah. He'd just smile and scare the h*** out of you or attack you [that's saved for special cases though...].

Flaws: He's completely oblivious to the fact that his aggressive nature isn't right. He's stubborn, and refuses to lose an argument. He's a sore loser, and he'll often blow off people that are better than him. He's way too competitive, and will overreact a lot.

Likes: Hand to hand combat, cooking [but he doesn't say this], watching TV shows, chess... cats

Dislikes: most socializing, people asking about his eyepatch, his eyepatch, losing, people being loud, annoying people, artichokes, bananas, any reptile in the world

Allies: The other states, America, Canada, and generally the allies of the USA

Enemies: ... well none right now but you can turn into one real quick.

Family: The states, America, and Russia

Crush: N/A

History: Same as Jason's... [i don't like posting it over and over]

Other information:

-He wears an eye patch because HE FREAKING GOUGED IT OUT WITH A- Nah, i'm just kidding. But he is blind in that eye, due to the fact that when he was drunk he tried to juggle glass bottles... one shard got him in the eye.

- He has the worst ability to hold his liquor out of all the Alaskans...

- He likes to cook, but he doesn't tell anyone.

Someone: "Mmm! Kane, where did you get these crepes?"


Kane: "... I stole them from the French Club at a school in Missouri."

Emma: "YOU DID WHAT?!?!

He has a secret soft spot for cats.

Kane: "Aw... look at you, ya little-" *hears door open*

Seth: ?

Kane: *is now nowhere to be seen and there's just a random cat*

Seth: What the...

He does a lot of ridiculous crap he finds on the internet... like putting a vacuum against a harmonica to make it play. Most of this happens while he is drunk.

He really like Mt. Dew. He says it's the best drink in the world... he's also gotten too sugar high from it.

Sugar high Kane is weird. Here's an example:

Seth: *walks in*

Kane: *while sugar high* Seeeeeeth... are you a swan? DId you know swans can be gay?

Seth: How do i have to put up with all of this?

Theme Song:

Eh... I can't settle on one, because each show each side of him.

Good Side: Warriors by Imagine Dragons

Darker Side: Pumped Up Kicks by Foster the People

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