Do any of these beans understand romance?

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Poor guy wants to understand romance, but he can't. He's quite the romantic in his head, but when it comes to initiating the conversation of "hey, I like you in a romantic way", he's... utter garbage. He will stumble and stammer and often times he won't say anything because he thinks no one would like him, especially not in that way. Of someone jokingly says he's dating someone, if he doesn't like the person mentioned, he'll ignore it, but if he does, he'll get flustered. Poor guy has never dated anyone.

He... could? But he doesn't care too much. It's an internal mentality of "no one will like me like that", so he plays it off by being suqve and aloof. But in reality he just doesn't wanna be made a fool of. He's never dated anyone either.

Emma's not bad at romance, but she can't seem to find the right person for her, and when she does, she won't be the right person for her. She dated one person... she was just a regular girl. Emma knew it wouldn't end well, so she cut it off. Besides, she ddn't like the girl.

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