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Nation Name: 2p!Nyo!Alaska

Human Name: Jaiden Braginsky-Jones

Age: Physically 16, 150 years old

Orientation: Asexual Panromantic

Gender: Female


[ignore the outfit

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[ignore the outfit...]

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Personality: Jaiden's pretty chill at first

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Personality: Jaiden's pretty chill at first. She's quite bold and an absolute adrenaline junkie. She's kind of flirtatious and a very smooth talker. She's actually got a lot of self doubt that she hides under her sarcasm... and she really hates it when people find out. Thus, she keeps up the act.

Flaws: She's built up walls [via sarcasm and wit], she has low self esteem, she can get a bit snappy when people try to help her [she feels weak if she needs help], and she'll often find herself dealing with existential crises.

Likes: Photography, exploring, sports, rain or snow, filmmaking, playing her trumpet, music... and she has a secret soft spot for anime dramas. And police shows.

Dislikes: The heat, loud noises, people snoring [aka Seth at night], small clicking noises, existentialism, pop music [mostly]

Allies: The other states, America, Canada, and generally the allies of the USA

Enemies: Just the enemies of the US, but she can make some if she feels like she needs to.

Family: The states, America, and Russia

Crush: N/A

History: Same as all the other Alaskas

Other info:

She has misophonia, a disorder literally defined as "the hatred of noise". A lot of noises can irritate, anger, enrage, or even panic her.

Like almost all of the Alaskas... she has insomnia! Yaaaaaaaay.

She stole one of Alfred's bomber jackets when she was little. Alfred... just let it happen.

She's terrified of lightning.

She's got 3 cats. She has Midnight, Tiger, and Smokey.



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Theme Song: Some Nights by fun

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Theme Song: Some Nights by fun.

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