Jason and the Battle With Insomnia

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Heeeeey I'm up so... imma write Jason into my torture~

Jason: Aaaalright, I'm gonna get a good night's sleep for once. *attempts to sleep.. but an hour later he's still up*
*huffs in frustration* I'm gonna get some water and... IDK read a book. *does those things. 3 Hours later and he's still not asleep*
Jason: *screaming into many pillows so he doesn't wake anyone up* Okay, forget it! I'M GETTING ICE CREAM! *heads to freezer and grabs ice  cream*
*light flicks on*
Emma: *looks like death and doesn't even have her glasses on* ... Jason Whittaker Braginsky-Jones, I swear, it is 3 in the friggin morning what are you doing?
Jason: ... I couldn't sleep.
Seth: *looks equally dead inside* ... and ice cream is your solution?
Jason: *grumbles* shut up... *grabs ice cream and goes bsck to bed*

After eating his ice cream, Jason does fall asleep... at 4 in the morning.

The others let him sleep in.

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