Relations Between my OCs

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By relations, I mean how they act around each other... NOT if they're dating or whatever.

Jason and Seth: ... weird. Very Weird. Jason tolerates Seth, and Seth just loves teasing Jason, but at the same time, Seth worries a lot about Jason, and Jason does like Seth... as a friend/brother. More brother though.

Jason and Kane: ... it's a bit strained, but they get along. It's mostly a "hey how ya doing don't stab my computer or I'll burn all of your cookbooks that I still don't get why you love them so much" scenario.

Jason and Evan: They're both socially anxious, but Jason is less so, so he kinda works as an older brother of sorts to evan... he keeps the blue haired dork under his wing. Evan trusts Jason more than the other Alaskas.

Seth and Kane: They actually get along! They're even drinking buddies. Although Seth does get a little overwhelmed by Kane during his rough patches [aka when he gets angry], but the two are pretty cool.

Seth and Evan:  Seth will never say it to Evan's face, but he'll kind of avoid him because his social phobia is WAY too much for him. He can rely on Jason to be cool some of the time. Evan? He's a bit too much of a downer.

Kane and Evan: Secret friends. Kane will have Evan be his taste tester whenever he cooks, and the two will spend hours on LEGOs... evan is still scared of Kane though. Poor bean.

Emma and Jason: Emma is really protective of Jason... just because she's seen him in some of his rougher times. Jason appreciates the sentiment, but it a tad overwhelmed by his sister's TLC.

Emma and Seth: Drinking buddies, like to be social together.

Emma and Kane: They're also drinking buddies, but Kane and Emma don't get along as well. Emma is slightly intimidated by Kane, to be honest. And Kane feels awkward around Emma because he can sense the intimidation.

Emma and Evan: They don't talk much... Emma's too bold for Evan, so she stresses him out.

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