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Nation Name: 2p!Alaska

Human Name: Seth Braginsky-Jones

Age: He looks about 17, but he's 150 years old

Sexuality: Greysexual biromantic

Gender: Male


[just add some stubble, ignore the cigarette, and add some glasses]

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[just add some stubble, ignore the cigarette, and add some glasses]

Personality: Seth is a very confusing person to read. On one hand, he can seem cool and calm, but he can also be extremely antisocial and hostile. That's mostly due to the fact that he can have anger issues. However, he mostly has it under control. Mostly. Whenever he's not mad at someone or something, he's actually a pretty cool guy to get to know. He's pretty slick and loves to poke fun at people, and he can actually be a good person to know. But beware, he does like to drink, and although he can hold his liquor and he mostly drinks responsibly, if he ever gets drunk, he's a party animal... just ask poor Jason. Overall, Seth is a decent guy if you know him, but scary as h*** if you make him mad.

Flaws: There's the aforementioned anger issues, and the fact that he sometimes doesn't like to work hard on things he doesn't care about. He's also very reckless and doesn't care/think about some of the most obvious of things... like not trying to annoy a bear. He often goes too far with sarcasm, and tends to use dark humor a bit too much.

Likes: Playing his guitar, indie music, reading, studying certain subjects, swimming, animals, hiking, hockey

Dislikes: Loud noises, people trying to talk to him when he's working, the heat, football, reptiles, cold medicine

Allies: The other states, America, Canada, and generally the allies of the USA

Enemies: At first, any enemy of the US... but he can make enemies pretty quick

Family: The states, America, and Russia

Crush: N/A

History: Same as Jason's

Other information:

-He likes to stay up late...

-He fishes. A lot.

-Seth secretly watches kids cartoons. If he ever sees someone catch him, he will automatically switch to watching the bloodiest goriest show he can think of [this results on Attack On Titan playing a lot].

-He will often sing when he thinks he's alone... mostly indie music.

-He has 2 malamute pups named McKinley and Denali [named after Mt McKinley/Denali].



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Theme Song: Message Man by Twenty One Pilots

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Theme Song: Message Man by Twenty One Pilots

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