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Daniel ran into the training room. "You guys won't believe it! I actually got Michael's starfighter out of there!"

Stephanie and Catherine stop what they were doing and Michael looked up from his tablet. "You did? How?"

"Well I use the capital ship as a.. And I a.. What in the world is that!" Daniel said pointing at the weapon the David Kel android was holding.

It had more or less a typical grip and stock but the barrel came out a little ways then grew to the size of a circle large enough for Daniel to put his head into, making it look like more of an old-fashioned Tommy gun magazine than an actual barrel.

A dimensional door to the bridge opened up and Steven walked through into the training room. "That is Catherine's ideal and completely impossible without the insane equations she just finished."

"Cool." Daniel said as he turned to Catherine. "So what is it?"

"Well the biggest problem with the continuums in Steven's dimensional doors is as you well know they are extremely unstable and that's because it's built on technology and mathematics he doesn't even understand. I've been slowly dissecting the formula and I found a flaw in the math, I fixed it and now they're a little more stable."

"Oh sweet, so now we can send more energy to the Starfighters? And use the medallion shields for the androids?"

Steven took a deep breath through his teeth. "Not exactly. The dimensional doors with the new equation for some reason only works if the size of the door is anywhere from 2 to 12 inches in circumference. As you know the conduit to the starfighters is 32 inches and sadly it doesn't quite make it stable enough to use the medallion shields with the androids yet."

"Oh not so sweet."

Catherine hugged Daniel's arm. "Haha, not yet anyway. However it did enable us to make that." She nodded towards the weapon David Kel was holding."

"Yes, what is it?"

"A handheld starfighter sized beam cannon." Michael answered.

"Handy beam. For short." Stephanie added.

Steven rolled his eyes at Stephanie's horrible name as Daniel shouted, "No way! That's awesome!"

Daniel reached out and try to take the weapon from David Kel's hands but his grip on it was too hard. Daniel shook his arm loose from Catherine and tried to use both arms to pull the gun away from David Kel but David Kel's grip tightened and his eyes popped open as he gave Daniel a giant smile.

Daniel spun his head to see Stephanie with a hat on. "Hey! Let me look at it!"

"No! You're not touching this. Your too destructive and were not going to use this as a weapon."

"We're not?"

Steven shook his head. "No we're not, there are too many people on the capital ship and waiving this thing around could easily kill hundreds."

"Then what's the use of it?"

Catherine answered this time. "The president will be inside a shielded two foot thick molecular metal safe box. This will enable us to cut him out of it."

"Oh, I see."

Alf's lion hologram appeared. "Production complete bringing the request objects to the training room now."

The dimensional door Steven had come through flickered off then came back on this time connecting to the mobile stations factory. Two droids walked through. One of them was carrying six or seven small metal disc and the other had an assortment of metal rings.

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