Before he goes on tour

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Chapter 7
So I woke up and Emery was gone and I smell my moms cooking so I got out bed and walked down the hall to see my mom show Emery what she put in her homemade Macaroni and she made rice and roast when I walked in I said dang I am surprised that you roast didn't wake me up and Emery said it woke me up and he said your mama cook good and I said I know I lived with her. We all laughed I went to my room and grabbed stuff to shower with
After Shower
I got out brushed me teeth and hair put on a crop top and some jeans and walked to the kitchen to my meds for my allergies and I looked around the house didn't see no one and I heard the thing that goes off that tell you when someone was here I looked out side and it was my Grandma dropping off my cousin so I can spend the day with her before I leave so I walked out and she came and hugged me and i said I saw you yesterday and she said I know but I missed you and tears started to fall down my face
N-I missed you too and you know what else I missed
N-The little dance party's or dance offs we we used too do
J- Yeah me too
N-After lunch want to go to the front and have one
J-Just use two
N-No me you and Em
E-Hey Jamie
J-Hey Emery
N-You can call him Em like I do
J-Ok I will think about it
N-Em want to have a dance party like me and my cousin used to have when I was living her it was lit cause of me and my music
E-Yeah but who was the best
J and N- Me
J- Ok I will give you this you had some good moves
N-Yeah cause I knew more
J-Ok crack
N-Oh really
E-Ok if you guys are going to fight then I am leaving
N- We are just playing around
J- Yeah
M- Time to eat
N- Yes
After lunch
So after we ate Nicole got a speaker and she ask Jamie what song and Jamie said Whip and Nae Nae Then Nicole said remember how I would whip and Jamie laughed and said yeah
After the lit dance party Nicole and me had to go. Everyone said bye and Jamie came up and said can you take me home and make it our last car ride until I see you again and Nicole started to look sad and she said yeah like she was about to cry. I drove her home and Nicole cut the music and started to sang and Jamie did too I just felt left out cause I didn't know the song and I cut the radio down and I ask Jamie were her dad was and Nicole at me and said Emery that is not something you ask someone and she looked mad how was I supposed to know and Jamie said we are here acting like she didn't want to answer the question and Nicole got out hugged her and started to cry when she got back in the car I got a call from my manager
M-Hey Emery I have great news
E- And that is
M- FIYM is going on tour
E- No way
M-Yeah come by tomorrow and I will tell you everything
So Emery told me that his manager called and said they were going on tour I smiled and said that is great I still was cry and Emery hugged me and we left.
Skip the car ride
Before we got out the car my fav song came on i yelled Wifi Wifey and Emery says oh no and he cut the car off before I could start screaming the song and I looked down and he walks to the other side and opens the door and I said I am not getting out he pulls me out the car and I fall on the ground and Emery laughs so I pretend to cry and her starts to say sorry and I laugh and he said really and I said yep he toke the stuff out the car when I was getting up and he ran the stuff in side when he came back up he said sorry and he put his hands around my waist and said I have to go remember Ricky text me and told me we have a meeting I say ok but can I take you he said yeah then he tried to drive but I got in the front first and locked the door so he walked to the other side and got in the other side and we left. When we got there I kissed him bye and I went to Dana's house.
At Dana's house
I went to Dana's house and Shawn was there and I walked up to the door and rang the door bell and I could hear Dana's mom yelling in Spanish and dana answered and I said what happened that made your mom mad she said at me cause I was making out with Shawn
D-Yeah so what do you want
S-Hey Nicole
N-Hey Shawn
D-Um can me and Nicole talk alone please
S-Yeah I will go sit in the car cause your sisters are freaking me out
N-Yeah now bye
S-Bye mean ass
N-What ever
S-Ok I am leaving now but if you cry or make my girl cry I am coming back to get you
D-Ok now go before Nicole hurts you cause she is getting mad
N-So dana you know how my mom told me if I didn't get that job they would take my house and car and make me move back with them
N-I didn't get the job and I am so scared to tell Emery cause he is leaving to go on tour tonight they had to change it for tonight and I don't know what I am going to do with out you guys I am really happy here maybe I can find another place to get a job at
D-Nicole I know you want to cry cause you didn't get the job
N-How did you know that
D-I am your friend I know things maybe I can help you tell Emery
D-Sleep over
N-Ok but what about Shawn
D-He has a house down here now
N-That is so sweet you would give up your boyfriend for you Besty
Then I felt a tear fall down my face
D-Well yeah you did the same for me remember
N-Yeah but I was not dating him I liked him but when were sad I ditched him and came to my Besty's rescue
Then we both were crying and hugging and Shawn walked over to use we explained what happened and what the plan was
S-Ok then I will go and you girls have fun
And Shawn kissed dana and I turned around.
So I just got to my house and changed into my pj's and I heard my door bell ring so I opened it and it was dana she looked said.
D-Hey Emery
E-What do you want
D-Come here before
E-Before what
D-Never Mind you should talk to Nicole because it mite be your last time talking
D-Just come
I left and locked my door and I walked with dana and when we got to Nicole's house their was tea and glass everywhere and I someone cry and I heard a song dana ran up stairs to Nicole's room and I followed her Nicole was on the floor crying and listening to her favorite song wifi wifey me and dana go and seat by her she puts her head on my shoulder and says I love you and she keeps crying and I ask her what is wrong and dana says Nicole I will take him to the living room and tell him so it won't make you more sad.
Nicole gets up and say No I want to tell him and she sits on her bed and write a note to me and said read this and she is trying not to stutter. The note said Em I love you but I mite have to move away from here and I don't want to leave you.
I look at her and I opened my arm and I say you are not going anywhere and Nicole just run into my arm and hug me really tight I ask her why after she stoped crying and she explained to me and I said well if you don't get the job with my company then you will stay at my house her eyes opened wide and she said if I don't get the job then I will stay with you and I heard dana say young love and me and Nicole laughed
N-I am not young
D-You know what I mean
N-No I don't
E-She means
D-Shut up Emery I want to tell her
D-What I was going to say was that I said that because you that is what old people say and you guys have a great relationship
E-That is not what I thought you were going to say but thinks
D- No problem
E-So when do you have the job interview
N-Tomorrow afternoon
E-Oh so what time
N-2O-Clock in the morning
E-So before I leave
N-When do you leave
E-7 O-Clock in the afternoon
N-So you want to go with me so when I get the job I have someone to hug or when I don't get it I have a shoulder to cry on
N-Hahaha shut up dana and Emery
I felt her lips touch mine and she pulls away and I say dang and Nicole giggles.
So dana left out the room and I heard something fall down the step me and Emery jumped up and of course I pushed him out of my way and I ran down the stairs and Emery was behind me I didn't see dana but I could hear her saying ouch ouch ouch so I yelled dana and she said here and I ran to her and I tried to help her up but she was too heavy for me to pick up but Emery had no problem picking her up I looked at it but it was nothing she didn't brake it just a spring.
N-It is just a spring
E-So how did you fall down the stairs
D-I was talking to Shawn on the phone and he mite be on the way
N-Well if he is it is ok
D-Ok cause a car just pulled up let me go see him
N-No you need to stay still and I will let him in
E-No I will let him in you need to look after her
The door bell rings and Emery answers and Shawn come running in to dana and hugs her and I say goals and everyone laughed.
So after we had our laughs we talked
S-So how are you feeling dana
D-Ok but Nicole won't let me stand up
N-Well dah it will just get worse
D-Can I at least get some ice
E-I am working on it
N-Their is a bag of peas in the freezer
E-But where I don't see it
N-Look in the door
N-Yeah crazy
S-Oh hush he is not crazy dana is crazy
S-First off you fell down the stairs just talk on the phone with me and secondly you come and spend the night here when you can be spending the night with me
D-Oh really
D-Can I still spend the night
S-Um let me see
D-Please please please please
S-Yeah I can't say no to you and nicole needs to be alone with Emery
N-Wait what
S-I mean you need to spend some time together not that bad stuff
E-But what if I wanted to do that bad stuff
N-Then you would have to go home
E-I am just playing I am not even ready for that
S-ok well let's stop talking about that
D-Nicole remember those jokes we used to make at the table at lunch at school
N-Oh yeah when we where in middle school those naughty jokes
D-Yeah but we would only do it to Jazmine
N-Yeah cause Destaney would kill use and I we were to nice to each other to say them to each other
D-Yeah so can I walk now
N-No I think Shawn has to carry you out
S-Yeah you are my boo thing
N-Ok stop now I know how you guys feel when me and Emery do that
E-Hey we can do that when they are not here hint hint
S-Ok ok we are going
So Shawn picks me up and I blush and nicole says see you guys tomorrow and she she said don't do anything bad with her young man and Emery laughs and I yell same to you and she yell I won't promise and I say I promise too and Shawn looks down at me and said you can't brake that promise and he kissed me and I kissed back and we left.
So when dana left I closed the door and locked it and Emery put his hand on my waist and turned me around to face him and he pulled me closer to him I looked up into his eyes and he looked into mine and our face got closer and our lips touched and we kissed each other and Emery picks me up and I rap my legs around him and we are still kissing and Emery takes me up stairs and lays me on the bed and I pull away and take a breath and he said go put some pj's on and let snuggle I went to the bathroom and put on Emery's sweatshirt and some shorts and walked out and Emery was sitting on my bed in boxers and no shirt I lay next to him and turn over to be face to face with him and I out my head on his chest and fall asleep.
*Next Day*
I wake up to the sound of a shower I get up and walk over to my house and put on some adidas joggers and a adidas shirt and adidas shoes and I walk back over to Nicole's house and she is wearing this

The same thing she had on when we had a our first date I looked into her eyes and said did I ever tell you that you are really pretty and she said yeah then it was time for her to go to the job interview at the same place I work for we got into th...

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The same thing she had on when we had a our first date I looked into her eyes and said did I ever tell you that you are really pretty and she said yeah then it was time for her to go to the job interview at the same place I work for we got into the car and I drove.
*Skip the car ride*
The both of use got out and walked into the place and she went to the front desk and I sat down in the little waiting room.
So after I talked to the man at the front desk he told me to wait in the waiting room and he would call back up their when it was time so I sat by Emery and held his hand until a minute later the man called me back to the front desk and said she is ready to see you he told me we're to go and I went and sat in a room until a lady came in and we shook hands and I told her my name and she told me her name and she asked me some question and after she asked me some question she said I was the best person I have ever met and she told that I.......................
So it was take forever and then Nicole walks out sad and she walks up to me and said let's go and I said ok we got to the car and she got in and I got in and said did you get it or not and she said in a said voice well and I looked down and looked sad and she laughed and I said what are you laughing at
N-Cause I got you
N-I did get the job
E-No way
N-Yes way
E-I should be mad at you for tricking me and making me sad but I am too happy for you
N-I love you and your kind heart
E-You do
E-Well guess what
E-Love you too
N-No no one can love me as much as I love you
E-Well let's just say I do
N-You are so sweet
After she said that she lend in and kissed me and I kissed back she pulled away and said let's go. On the way to her house she text all her friends and told them she told me that dana mite be at her house ready to tackle her and hug her cause she get to stay.
*Skip the rest of the ride*
When we got back to her house she was right dana was their and she did tackle her and she made her fall on the ground I ran over their and help them both up I asked dana were Shawn was and she said trying to get Destaney off of Camren Dallas and Nicole said what did he do.
D-Well Shawn got Destaney a boyfriend
N-And let me guess it is Camren
N-Well then why would Shawn have to get Destaney off of Camren
D-Because Destaney would not let Camren go
E-Hey you guess what time is it
N-6 why
E-Cause I have to pack
N-Oh yeah
So me and Dana helped him pack and when we were done it was like 6:30 and dana said bye and I drove Emery to the airport and Liam and Ricky were there I kissed him bye and hugged him really tight and he left when he left I started to cry and then I pulled my self together and went home and waited for Emery to text me that he is on the plane.
So I waited for my plan and when it got here we got on the plan and I text Nicole
N-Hey are you on the plane
N-I miss you already
E-I miss you too I just can't wait to face time you when I get off this plane just so I can see your face
N-But we mite not
N-Cause I have to sleep
N-I start my job when school gets out
E-Man I just remembered something
E-That you have to go to school without me holding your hand all day
N-I think I can manage
E-But what if I can't
N-Then hold Ricky's hand
E-But I want your hand
N-Come on I know it is going to be hard but this is going to be how it is now
E-I know I know
N-You can hold my hand and body when you get back
N-Well I gtg I need sleep for school tomorrow
E-Ok I think I mite get some sleep too
N-Love you 😍😘
E-Love you too❤️😘😍

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