Being Bullied

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Nicole's POV
Every year at the last few days of school all the popular girls always bully Me, Destaney, Dana, and Jazmine and I don't want to tell the guys so I am driving Emery to school to be the best girlfriend ever and I am not going to say nothing to him on the way their.
Skip to school:
E-Hey guys
Da-Hey girl
N-Hey were is everyone else
After I said that they all came running up to use
N-Ok so we have Emery, Dana, Destaney, Jazmine, Ricky, Liam, Shawn, and Camren
S-I think that is everyone
N-Ok well girls you know what today is
E-What is today
N-Don't tell the boys cause then you guys would get all protective over use girls then what ever it is will just make it worse
S-Ok fine
N-Boys bye
Then the guys left and us girls talked for a little
N-Ok so every year at the end of the year we always get bullied and this year I am scared
J-Me too
Da-Can we please tell the boys
N-Fine but I don't want to be there
N-Cause Emery and the boys are just going to want to help and then we will just get picked on more
J-Yeah that mite be true
De-Yeah I am not telling them
Da-Fine then I will
N-Ok go a head
Then Dana walked off to tell the boys and after that we girls went our separate ways until lunch and trust me I don't know if I can sit by Emery today so I walked to class and I was early then normal cause I would always walk with Emery and then everyone came in the class at ones even Emery and they all sat down and the class started.
Skip to lunch:
E-So girls how was it today
Da-They stopped me and Destaney before we walked into the cafeteria
J-They stopped me before I could even got to my first period
De-What about you Nicole
Da-Yeah Nicole
N-They didn't get to me yet
J-Lucky cause this year they are bringing it hard
E-It is ok girls don't feel bad their is always going to a bully but don't pay attention to them they only want you to feel bad because they are selfish
J-Why did you say that
E-What did I do
N-I used to be one of those selfish people
Da-Yeah the popular girls pulled her into the group when she moved here and then when she was all popular she started to bully use but we forgave her cause she was are close friend so we just don't want her to go back to that
N-Guys I am going to go home I don't feel good
R-Hey we can stop talking
N-No it is not that it is just all the popular girls looking at me
L-Let's go to the library
S-Yeah lets go girl
C-Or we can go outside and sit outside until we have to go to class
N-I like the library lets go
Dana's POV
I felt bad for Nicole even though today is our last day at school cause we are graduating tomorrow but we still have to come to school and practice but we already practiced today so now we just have to sit in the classes and do nothing but I really do feel bad for Nicole cause there are always hard on Nicole but we all still love her as a friend well best friend but Emery loves loves her so we all get up to go to the library and when we walk out the door I forgot my book bag so I go back to grab it and when I got it the popular girls started to get up so I ran out of the cafeteria to find everyone and tell them that the girls were coming and when I found them Nicole was missing out of the group so we started to talk
Da-Guys the popular girls are coming
J-Um one question though
Da-Where is Nicole
E-Here let me text her she mite have went home to change or something cause she didn't like the outfit she was wearing
S-What was she wearing
Da-she was wearing a black shirt and some sweats
C-Oh yeah
E-I will text her
R-No let me
L-No let me
S-I will
C-I will
Da-Boys boys boys she is not going to open up to you guys but she will open up to her best friends so I will text her and ask her where she is at and then we will go find her
E-Good idea
Then I got my phone out and text Nicole.
Nicole's POV
I went home to change into something that was cute so the girls can't pick on me and I can hide from them so I put on this

Then I got back in my car and drove back to school and when I got back I got a text from dana but I just ignored it and I went to the bathroom to fix my makeup and when I went in their dana kept texting me then she called me and I finally answered...

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Then I got back in my car and drove back to school and when I got back I got a text from dana but I just ignored it and I went to the bathroom to fix my makeup and when I went in their dana kept texting me then she called me and I finally answered the phone and we talked
N-What do you need
D-You are acting like nothing happened
N-All I did was go change into something more me
D-What you were wearing was you
N-Ok fine but I do have my fav type of clothes on
D-Ok well please tell me where you are
N-Bathroom had makeup problems
D-When do you ever have makeup problems
N-I was rushing out the house so it got messed up
D-So you had to do your makeup to match your outfit
N-Yeah why we all do it
D-I was just saying don't get all protective
D-It is cool and every one said you don't need makeup
N-Let me guess you too
D-You really don't need makeup
N-But I just like too put it on ok
D-Ok but when you wipe it off it takes 5 makeup wipes just to get all of it off
N-Ok point made but I really have to finish
D-Ok we are coming to get you
N-What ever
D-See in a minute
N-Ok see you
After I hung up I heard the bathroom door close and the mean girls walked in.

I wonder what happens next? I guess we will have to see until part 2.

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