Being Bullied Part 2

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When the mean girls walked in the bathroom I ran in a stole stood on a toilet and closed to door and locked it.
                       {The mean girls convo}
(The mean girls are numbered in which one is smarter then the others and their is only 5 mean girls.)
3- So I thought you said Nicole came in here
5-I thought I saw her
1-You know what I can't deal with you girls you are stupid and if you say Nicole come in here then where is she at
5-I don't know but she was wearing something different and it was cute
4- I love her outfits but I hate that she is pretty and smart
1- She is not pretty and smart we are
2-Come on you gotta face the facts she did bring the pop and good looks to our group and she has the hottest boyfriend in this school also she has all A's in her classes
1-Fine she is better then use but we have to pay her back for leaving our group and going with those losers and making them popular
5-She doesn't have a lot of friends..... Wait who are we talking about again
1- omg you are so stupid I don't even know how you are even graduating with use you better be happy that we bring you in to nurture you and care for you
5- you know what I am wanna be like Nicole and leave this group all you do is be a bitch to everyone in this group and I am tired of it who is with me
4- yeah let's go find Nicole and her friends and apologize for our actions and tell her what happened
3- Yeah lets go
2- So girl but I am with them you are a bitch and you a jealous because Nicole is way prettier then you
                                {Convo over}
I was so happy about what I was hearing I feel off the toilet and hit my head on the door after that all the girl came knocking on the door.
So I got up unlocked the door and talked to the girls.
N- Sorry I was listening
2- it is ok now we don't have to tell you the whole story and btw I love love your outfit
4-yes girl that hat pulls everything together
5-hey look we are sorry for everything we did and said will you forgive use
N- You know what I will just because I took a video of y'alls convo because I wasn't sure what I was hearing and I had to have proof to show the principal if you guys beat me up.

After that Dana comes running in the bathroom and I had to calm her done and we went out the bathroom and explained everything to everyone.
After that we all went to practice and the next day all our family's came to see our graduation and the girl went their way and we went ours but we don't know what happened to mean girl #1.
________________________________Sorry I made the ending like I was gonna end the story but it just made it sound way better.

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