Chapter 1

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Julie's Point of View.
(May 12)

"Hey Jea, I'm gonna buy some popcorn."

"Sure, be safe."

I got out of the house and walked to the popcorn store. I bought some cheddar cheese, then I got out of the store. When I got out, I saw a poster, about a singing contest, then we have to post it on Youtube.

I saw the prize and it was..

1,000,000 pesos(Philippine money)?!

I got the poster and I ran back home.


"Well you look excited."

I gave her the poster and she widened her eyes. "We have to do it." Jea said.

Me and Jea searched for songs. And after for a few hours.. we saw a song called 'Disarm You.'

"This song is so catchy!" I said.

"Then we'll use it." Jea said.

We practiced singing the song over and over.

"The song is so hard! We should choose another song!" I complained.

"No, we've already practiced this for hours. Don't give up." Jea motivated me. Then I just thought, Jea can play the piano.

"Jea, you play the piano, right?" I asked her.

"Yes, why'd you ask?"

"We could use it for the audio!"

"No, I'm not that good."

My eyes widened when she said that she's 'not good.' "Not good? NOT GOOD?! You're awesome at it!"

"Thanks. But I'm not playing it for the audio."

"C'mon now, please?" I begged.

"Fine." She rolled her eyes and starts making chords for the audio, while I continued practicing on the song.

I looked at the poster once again and saw that there is another prize.

"No way.. JEA!"

End of Chapter 1: Practice. (Written by Sarah.)

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