Chapter 7

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Jeanette's Point of View

"I gave you the orange notebook when we were young." Lachlan said.

"What..?" My eyes widened, my jaw dropped. What the? He gave me the orange notebook..

That means, we were classmates when we were little?

And that also means, that he was my crush back then?

"You know, you were my crush back then." I told him.

"I had a crush on you too, you know." He said.

"It was quite obvious." We both laughed.

"You were obvious too." He said.

We heard footsteps on the stairs.

"Hey Jea, I'm awake, and I'm hungry, did you coo--" she stopped talking when she saw Lachlan.

"What's going on?" She asked suspiciously.

I think she probably figured it out by now. "Are you guys dating now or something?" Me and Lachlan blushed when she said that.

"Yes.. but we didn't want you to know that." I said.

"That's fine. Besides, Lachlan looks nice. Anyways, I'm gonna cook some food." She goes to the kitchen and cooks something.

Me and Lachlan talked more and there was a knock.

I opened it and Lachlan looks surprised when she saw the girl. "Who are you?" I asked.

"I just wanted to talk to Julie." She said.

"Jul, I think this is a friend of yours!" I called Jul by shouting.

"Wait just a minute!" Julie turned off the stove and goes to the door.

"I don't know her.." Jul said.

"Please Jul, let's talk outside." She said.

"Okay." Jul got outside and talked to her.

Julie's Point of View

"The name's Ashley." She introduced herself.

"Wait, you're my classmate on 4th grade!" I said, surprised.

"Yeah. But I need to tell you something. Jeanette and Lachlan doesn't want anybody to know their relationship. You sure don't want to break your friendship with Jeanette, don't you?" She said, smirking.

"But, if you do not tell anybody.. I will kill the person you love."

"How do you know the person I love?! Who is he?!" I shouted.

She whispered to my ear, "Will."

My eyes widened. "Don't you dare.." I said.

"You've got 5 days. If you tell anyone about this conversation, I will wipe out Jeanette, Lachlan and you." She smirks as she walks away, looking so satisfied.

???'s Point of View

Somebody blackmailed Julie. This is not good. I need to tell this to the others.

"Guys, Jeanette's friend has been blackmailed." I said. "About what?" Preston asked. "It's about Jeanette and Lachlan. If her friend did not tell anyone about them, then Will will be in trouble. If she told it to anybody, Lachlan, Jeanette and herself would be killed because she talked about the blackmail to someone." I said.

"Well, I got to go and go to 7/11. I'm hungry." I said as I got out of the house.

As I was walking to the store '7/11,' I was knocked out.

°After a few hours..°

I woke up, in a dark room. I couldn't see anything. I can only feel myself being tied up.

"So, you eavesdropped on me and Julie's conversation?" A girl voice said. I'm certain that it's Angela.

"So? Is it bad to overhear a conversation?" I said teasingly.

"That was a conversation that should not be overheard by a useless person like you."

As she said that, I felt a sharp thing on my chest, and I felt weak.

Ashley's Point of View

"Whoops. That looks sharp." I giggled.

"Nobody messes with my love for Lachlan. He is mine."

Chapter 7: Killed. (Written by Sarah.)

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