Chapter 4

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Julie's Point of View.

"Hey, I really gotta go. Me and Jea has to do something!"
I said as I run to our house.

Will's Point of View.

"Umm bye?"I said to her after she run away.
Uh,I missed her.Not in a literal sense...

"Hey Will."Graser said."WILL!"

"Huh?! What?!"I screamed.

"AYEE!,Will are you thinking of her?"Graser said.

"Um, no!..."I blushed a bit.

"Well ok then."

Was I blushing?!?.William, you just barely know her. You liked her already?!.Well let's see how this goes.

Julie's Point of View.

As I ran home.I forgot to ask something.
Why did Will say not to join the singing contest?.
But first, should I go practice and recored with Jean or umm...I need to ask him now! But let me first ask Jean.

Je -Julie
Jn -Jeanette



Je-"Where's the cat?"

Jn-"I threw it outside."

Je-"Why you do that?!"

"Cause, my books."She said and teared up.


Jn-"That cat ripped of my books and even the orange notebook that he gave me."

Je-"Im sorry" I felt so bad...
Je-"Do you wan---"

Jn-"To build a snowman?"

Je-"Want to practice now?"
Je-"To make you feel better I will give you a snowman."
Je-"You fine with that?"

Jn-"Does it come with a fish?"She asked happily with a smile.

Je-"Just for you"

Jn-"Practice time!"

Je-"But first may I ask them about the singing contest?"

"What? Who?"She asked.

Je-"Never mind just say yes."

"Ok, Yes sure.But be quick Jul, it's almost 9:00 and they will be announcing the winners."She said.

Je-"Ok,Be right back."

As I run ,again back to The Cube's home...

Will's Point of View.

"Guys, we should not humiliate them.Julie and her friend are cool girls and a great singer.How will I tell her,them.Graser you tell them, you started it."

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