Chapter 3

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Jeanette's Point of View.
(May 12.)

The both of us went up to our rooms and we pray.

We sleep peacefully and at the middle of the night..

I heard some noises in the kitchen, so I got my flashlight and I go downstairs.

This is sort of like a horror movie, but I like the vibe. I opened the flashlight and revealed the person..

Or rather,

A cat.

Julie's Point of View

"W-What time is it..? T-Twelve am..? Why is it noisy downstairs..?"

I rubbed my eyes and stood, walking down the stairs.

"Hey Jea, what's happening..?"

"Look Jul, a cat."

A CAT?! I go back up stairs and hid. I'm scared of cats. I don't want them to scratch me or bite me or do cat things in general.

I heard footsteps. "Jea?" I opened the door and saw a familiar guy.

"Who are you?!" I shouted.

"Eh.. my name is.. Will." He answered.

"Will?" His name, his voice and his face looks familiar.. Will..


"What are you doing in me and my best friend's house?" I asked him calmly.

"It was a dare. Me and my friends are playing truth or dare. Sorry if I broke into your house." He apologized. He's nice in videos and in real life.

"Please forgive me." He begged.

"Fine, I'll forgive you." I said.

"Thank you so much. May I ask your name?" He asked. "My name's Julie." I told him. "Well then, thank you Julie for accepting my apology." He thanked.

"No problem, Kiingtong." I chuckled. "So you watch my videos?" He asked.

"Once. It was in that singing conte--" he covered my mouth.

"Don't join." He said, and he looked serious.

"Why?" I was confused.

"Because if you do, The Cube and The Pack will--" he stopped as his friend, which I think is Bee(HeyImBee). "I gotta go, Julie. Me and the Cube stays at the house in front of you." Then he ran.

What was that all about?

"Because if you do, The Cube and The Pack will--" I keep thinking about that. I need to ask him later in the morning.

I slept once again since it was 12 midnight.

°Time skip: Morning.°
7:00 am, May 13th.

I decided to go and visit the house that the Cube rented.

I knocked on the door and Will opened it. "Hey." He greeted.

"Hey." I greeted back.

"Come in," He invited me to go inside, and I did. "Have you eaten breakfast yet?" Will asked. "No, but I'm not that hungry." I answered genuinely.

Straub walked downstairs and saw me and Will talking. "Who's this?" Straub asked.

"This is Julie. This is the person that owns the house in which I broke in thanks to Grape's dare." He chuckled. "What about the cat?" Grape appeared out of nowhere. "The cat?" I asked. "Yeah, Will put a cat in your house so that he can break in." Grape explained. "Maybe Jea took care of the cat.."

°Last night.°
"Aww, you're so cute! Here, I got some food for you." Jeanette said and gave the cat some food. Jeanette puts the cat in her room, as she prepares the litter box and the water for the cat.

Then, the cat ripped all her books, making her rage, then she threw her cat on the window.

"Meh, she probably threw the cat." I said as I laughed. They laughed with me.

"Anyways, this is Straub and Grape." Will introduced them to me. "Hello." I greeted.

"I've only watched your videos once so I'm not familiar with the names. I'm only certain with HeyImBee, Graser10, and Kiingtong." I explained.

"Did somebody called my name?" Graser came out of nowhere as well. "I did." I said.

"Who's the good-looking girl?" He asked, smirking. "Her name is Julie." Will said.

My phone vibrated as I recieved a text message from Jea.

"Hey, I finally know the chords now." Jea texted.

"Really?! I'll be there right away." I texted back.

"Hey, I really gotta go. Me and Jea has to do something!" I said as I run to our house.

Chapter 3: Meeting the Cube. (Written by Sarah.)

Disclaimer: The Cube and The Pack are nice in real life. Don't take this story too seriously. Thank you.

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