Chapter 6: Escaping a Wine Cellar and an Explosion

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You, the boys and Simza jumped out of a carriage as the driver leads you four into Les Sept Grenouilles, a resturant that Simza knew Ravache resides. Once the four of you make it into the kitchen a group of men came up to you four and patted you down. After making sure none of your were carrying weapons they gesture for you to go down to the wine cellar.

The four of you walk down a spiral staircase and at the end saw a man sitting at a table with his back to you. "Still hiding in basements?" Simza asked Ravache. "It's hard for me to get out these days." Ravache said, in French, as he takes a bite of his food. "I am happy to see you."  

"I'm not here to see you." Simza replied as the four of you walked closer to the man. You and the boys split and look around the cellar while Ravache gestures towards the chairs and said. "I would rather share this moment with your English friends."  

"1789. Vintage." Holmes said, pointing at the glass of wine Ravache was drink. "The year of our glorious revolution." Ravache said, proudly. "Is he here?" Simza asked Ravache but he ignored her. "When freedom has triumphed over tyranny."

"Is my brother here?" Simza asked again. Ravache looks up at her and said. "I haven't seen him for a long time."  

"You're lying." Simza stated. "Sim, please." Ravache said gesturing towards a chair then he leans forwards and continues his meal while you and Holmes walk over to the table and sit next to each other and Watson stands off to the side and said. "A letter was received from Rene, using this same paper." He holds up a piece of paper to show you and the others.

"Of course. He took with him wherever he went." Holmes replied then he looks over at Ravache then over to Simza and said. "He's telling the truth, Rene isn't here."

"He was given another assignment." said Ravache. "By an anonymous benefactor." Holmes said, talking over Ravache. Ravache stares at Holmes for a moment then said. "Another Englishman with money, power...who supported our cause. And now...he dictates our every move." He grabs his glass and drinks his wine and wipes his mouth with his handkerchief.  

"Demanding I take responsibility for his acts of terror. I made a deal with the devil but after tonight it will be over. My job is almost done." He said and everyone goes silent for a moment. "He's had you plant another bomb, hasn't he?" You said to the man. "Claude, please, listen. These men and this woman can help you." Simza said, softly, to him. "I wish they could." Ravache said. "You see, gentlemen and madam....he has my wife and children."  

"If you tell us were the bomb is, we'll find a way to help your family." said Holmes. "That's already taken care of. We have a deal." Ravache said and he takes another sip of wine then he continues. "He and I. No loose ends. There is only one thing I can do to keep my family safe. You have less than ten minutes." He picks up a gun and aims it to his head. "Don't!" You and Holmes shouted but too late the man pulled the trigger, killing himself.

Simza let's out a few quick breaths while you and Holmes stand up, staring at the fresh dead body. "He has no further need of that pistol, why don't you take it and cover the stairs." Holmes said to Watson, who runs over to Ravache's body and takes the pistol. Watson runs over to the doorway, where the stairs were, and stands by while Holmes looks around the cellar for an escape plan.

You could hear men running down the stairs and Watson takes aim and begins to fire. "There's only one way out of this place." You shouted. "Right you are." Holmes said as he stares at the fireplace. He walks over to the space next to the fireplace reaches up and flips a switch which opens a secret door. "Ah! Ingenious!" Holmes said, impressed. "That's the one, quickly as we can." He said while Watson fires bullets at more men coming down the stairs. You and Simza walk over to the secret door with Watson right behind you.

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