Chapter 3

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Recap Valentina

I fix my clothes and leave out the bathroom. Salvatorio walks away to another location. I head back to the dining area.

I enter and nervously take a seat. The parents weren't paying any attention so that was good. I look at the double doors and wait for Salvatorio entrance.

I was going to have a very interesting night with Salvatorio next to me.

Salvatorio p.o.v

Man Valentina is the death of me. She is After leaving the bathroom I needed a shower. A very cold shower. I know it's rude to leave your guess but I really need this shower. Valentina has gotten me hard.

When I make my way to my bedroom I strip off my clothes and get into the shower. I turn the cold water on full blast and stand under it. I let it beat down on my head and chest. My black hair falls into my face, sticking to my forehead. After a while I let the cold water beat down on my bad. Man this water was cold. It seems like the longer I stay in it the colder it gets.

I turn off the water and step out the shower. I wrap a dark blue towel around my waist and leave out the bathroom.

I rummage through my closet and find a dark blue polo shirt and a pair of khaki shorts. I get a pair of boxers out my drawer and slip them on then my shorts, shirt.

I put on a pair of shoes and grab my phone then leave out the room. On the way downstairs I comb through my hair with my fingers. I guess to give it that messy but sexy look the girls drool for.

I enter through the double doors and Valentina stops talking to my mom and looks at me wide eyed. I smirk.

"Salvatorio where on earth have you been?" Mom yells worriedly.

"I just took a shower and change momma" I say as I take my seat by Valentina who is still staring at me in awe. I rub her thigh gently and she turns away blushing.

"Next time you better warn us" momma scolds.

"Yes momma I will next time"

"Good now eat"

I look at my plate in front of me that I just noticed. I was baked ziti. My favorite. I remove my hand from Valentina lap and start to eat.


After staying for dessert my parents and I leave. I really enjoyed myself this night. I don't know if It was the kissing part that I enjoyed or the great conversation I enjoyed. Whichever it was I am glad it was nice.

I lean my head against momma shoulder and sigh. I was tired for sure. Momma strokes my hair and kiss my forehead. Pàpa was fast asleep in the limo. He had a wonderful night too.

We arrive home and momma wakes up pàpa while I grab my clutch and shoes. Yes I took off my shoes. I get out the limo and go into the house. I walk up stairs to my room and throw my shoes in the closet and put my clutch on my nightstand. I collapse on my bed tiredly.

Buzz Buzz Buzz

I grab my clutch and take out my phone. I got a text from Carla.

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