Chapter 6

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I woke up feeling sick. I guess drinking to much is a bad thing. I looked over to my right and sal was in my bed. What the hell was he doing in MY bed?

"Salvatorio wake up now!" I said shoving him.

"Tina stop. I'm trying to sleep" Salvatorio grumbles.

"I don't care. What are you doing sleeping here?"

"You asked me to sleep with you last night. I declined but you insisted so I'm here"

"What a jerk" I got out the bed and went into the bathroom. I looked into the mirror and I looked a mess. I was about to run my hand through my crazy bed hair when I noticed some shining. I looked at my hand and it was a modern vintage 14k white gold 3.0 carat blue sapphire solitaire ring. You may be wondering how i knew what is was well I am a jewelry girl after all and I know what almost every type of jewelry is. This piece of jewelry is beautiful.

I waved my hand in the mirror smiling. I got a beautiful ring.

"Valentina what are you doing?" Sal said laughing.

"What?!" I slam the door and continue to show off my ring in the mirror. I was happy.


"My Valentina is so happy now" Rosie said beaming.

"Yeah I guess"

"So what happened at the party? I'm extremely sorry I couldn't go"

"Well the only thing I remembered was riding in the limo, getting pictures snapped at me, drinking loads of wine and giving sal a chance then waking up feeling sick"

"So you were drunk at the party?" Rosie asked in disbelief.



"Cause I was nervous"

"Hmm so you gave sal a chance at what?"

"At being with me"

"Did someone put something in your drink cause that's not the Valentina I know. The one I know is the one who would slap Salvatorio and ignore him even though he loves you dearly"

"No one put anything in my drink and I just had a change of heart" I said smiling to myself.

"Mhmm ok"

I looked at her and shook my head. Rosie is such a crazy girl.

All day at work I was all smiles. Some of my colleagues were staring at me strangely. I didn't care. I was Salvatorio fidanzata and I was glad. I didn't think I would actually give sal a chance but I did. Maybe someone did put something in my drink.


"I'm home!" I yelled out as I went into the kitchen to get a sparkling water out the fridge. I took a sip then went upstairs. My feet was hurting and I just needed a cool shower right about now.

When I entered my room I was taken back by how there were roses on the bed and the floor. I walked over to the bed and sat my purse down. I sat on the bed and took off my shoes.

"Hey cara" Salvatorio said standing in the door way with his hands in his pants pocket.

"Sal you scared me!" I said with my hand over my chest.

"Sorry" sal smirked and walked over to me.

"Why are there roses everywhere?" I said smiling.

"They are for my beautiful fidanzata"

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