Chapter 5

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I was beyond pissed. I was getting engaged to Salvatorio.

"Papa why do I have to get engaged to him?" I yell angrily.

"Valentina my darling calm down. Salvatorio loves you and this is a great way for you two to connect. Now give me bicchorer di uino bianco" papa shoos me off and I grumble a ok.

"Marry Salvatorio. He's a nice guy. Blah blah blah" I say mocking papa as I pour him his bicchorer di uino bianco.

I put the wine top back on and put it on the shelf. I carry his wine glass to him and he was on the phone with someone. I place the wine glass on his desk and leave out.

I go upstairs to my room and just sit on the bed thinking all this over. It was all to complicated for me. Why couldn't Salvatorio go like some other girl. Oh no he can't because he 'likes' me. We were child hood friends and so on.

I throw my head back on my bed and pout. I'm so messed up.

"Valentina the designer is here" mama calls to me from downstairs.

I get up from my bed and yank open the door.

"I don't want a designer!"

"Valentina darling please just come" mama pleads.

I huff then stomp downstairs. Call me childish. Call me spoiled. Call me anything but Salvatorio fidanzata(fiancée).

"Ciao I'm LucyAnn I will be your designer" she holds out her hand and I politely shake it.

"Valentina LucyAnn will be showing you different dresses for the engagement party alright"


"Alright then. I will leave you two to it. Call me if you need anything ladies. I will be in the library reading"

"Alright" we say in unison. Mama walks out and we just stand there.

"So are you ready to start?"

"Yep I guess. There's nothing better to do than to pick out a dress for the amazing engagement party" I said sarcastically.

"Alright then lets start"

LucyAnn showed me some simple dresses and some very extravagant dresses. I was actually enjoying this. I was trying on different dresses and shoes to see which one fit me the best. Other times I was just playing around with LucyAnn in the dresses. We were having such a great time.

"Valentina you are such a goof" LucyAnn says laughing at my silliness.

"Come on LucyAnn come play with me" I said pulling her out her chair.

"Valentina we need to find a dress that fits you and fast because the engagement party is tomorrow night"

I flop down in a chair and groan. "Why me? I don't want to be with him. I was fine with being 'friends'." I said taking off the white fluffy boa from around my neck.

LucyAnn takes a seat next to me and give me a sideways hug. "Everything will be ok. You just have to trust me. Salvatorio is a good man. I worked with him before. Just have patience with him"

"I guess I can if It makes you happy" I said giving LucyAnn a half smile.

"That's my girl now lets find this dress".

We searched for the perfect dress but almost most off them didn't suit me the way I wanted them too.

"Lets take a beak" I said putting the dress back on the rack.


We go into the kitchen and my nose was filled with a nice aroma. It was one of my favorite dishes; beef ravioli. Mama knows how to make the best.

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