Chapter 4

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"Jamie get up! Time for your extreme makeover" I say hitting her with a pillow.

"Ok, jeez" Jamie groans.

"I got the perfect outfit" I lay out a pair of black slacks and a dark purple tank top v-neck blouse. I grab a pair of black stilettos and a couple of beautiful jewelries.

"Shower then come back" I say pushing Jamie into the bathroom.

Today I was going to personal delivery Jamie to Salvatorio. He going to be drooling over her.


Valentina I don't think this is necessary. I look fine in my knee length purple dress" Jamie says as she look at herself in the mirror. The v-neck blouse showed a good amount of cleavage which was good. Sal is going to love it.

"Oh hush Jamie it is perfect" I said as i put on my diamond choker and diamond stud earrings.

"Well okay, if you say so"

"Lets go" I grab Jamie hand and we go downstairs.

"Buongiorno girls" momma said while cooking breakfast.

"Buongiorno" we replied back. Jamie and I take a seat at the marble island table.

"Breakfast is almost done girls"


"Buongiorno girls" papa says coming into the kitchen with newspaper in his hand.


"Papa what's in the paper today?" I asked.

"The same ole things. Nothing new"


"Here you go girls. Breakfast is served" momma placed a plate of delicious breakfast in front of Jamie and I.



Jamie and I eat our breakfast with a small conversation with my parents. Afterwards, we leave for work.

"Okay, Jamie you ready?"

"Yes Valentina for the thousandth time"

"Just making sure" I say chuckling as we went the building.

"Hello Valentina. How are you darling?" Jacky says cheery.

"I'm fine and you?"

"I'm doing great. Who is this cutie here?"

"This here is Jamie and she will be working for salavatorio"

"Really well she better hurry she got about actually 6 minutes to get to his office"

"Oh man, okay see you later jacky" I say hushing to the elevator.

"She you darling and you too Jamie"


We get on the elevator and go to the top floor.

"I don't want to be late Valentina. If I am then I'm blaming you" Jamie said.

"Ok" the elevator dings and we get off the elevator and speed walk to sal office. We pass up his P.A and rush into his office.

"Valentina! Jamie!" Salvatorio surprisingly exclaims.

"Ciao Salvatorio"I say coming up to him to shake his hand.

"Ciao Valentina" he looks pass me and grins widely at Jamie. He checks her out with no shame.

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