Chapter 1

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My eyes slowly opened as I regained consciousness. I groaned and sat up, quickly grabbing my ribs in pain, feeling light headed, I flopped back down onto the floor. I held my head as I curled up into a ball, trying to make the most of my situation; I was on the floor on a blanket, my body wrapped in multiple bandages. I felt like a mummy.

A few minutes later, a concerned voice rang through the room, "(Y/n)! Y-you're awake?! Thank the gods!" I felt someone gently hug me, I laid there awkwardly waiting for them to pull away.

Looking up, I saw Zuri's deep green eyes staring down at me with a relieved expression, "How are you feeling?"

I weakly smiled and dipped my head, "Dead inside, like always." My small smile quickly faded as a pain in my side erupted again, I cringed painfully.

She chuckled, "Sarcastic little shit as always, heh. I'm guessing you would like to know what happened?" I nodded my head.

"Alright, so let's see. You almost died last night, the master got you really bad . . . we were only allowed into the room when the guards let us in! After he left, we rushed in to help you, but you were in such bad shape that you lost consciousness." She began, clutching her fists tightly.

"We tried everything we could, but your heartbeat was to shallow to do anything. But thanks to the help of a young man Aliya found, you lived. By the time he had gotten here, you were literally on the verge of death. You had lost too much blood and your heart had actually stopped, you are so lucky he got here when he did or you would be dead right now." Zuri's eyes darkened as her long, white hair fell over her shoulder. 

She continued her explanation, "You've actually been out for about a day and a half. That man's magic was what made you heal so fast. To think, if you had actually died—"Zuri began to break out in tears, holding her mouth with her shaking hands, "I-I don't know what I would have done." Her dark body began to violently slump over as she sobbed.

I attempted to sit up and hugged her tightly, "But I'm not dead, that should be what matters." I said shakily, "It's nice to know that at least someone cares about me in this terrible world." I mumbled the last part as Zuri pulled away, wiping some of the tears from her eyes.

"That's not all though. There's some pretty bad news you have to know . . . "A serious look adorning her features, Zuri continued, "Tonight you are to be taken to the Auction at the dumpster pub of the city, the Latin Dragon. You are to be fully healed and ready to go by sundown at the very latest. I'm sorry, I tried to convince the master otherwise, but I couldn't do anything." She looked down at her lap and clenched her fists, turning her knuckles white. The shock on my face became irrelevant and I just looked down at the floor.

As the silence became uneasy the door slammed open, "Please tell me she'll be alright! I swear to the almighty gods up above!" Aliya's loud voice cut through the silence as she looked over at me, "(Y/n)! You're alright! Thank all the gods above." She ran over to me and practically strangled me with a bone-crushing hug, "How are you feeling?"

"C-currently, I-I c-can't breathe! Aliy-ya!" I managed to choke out before the pressure of her hug was taken off me.

"Aliya! (Y/n) is still injured! Be more careful!" Zuri cried angrily as she dragged Aliya to the corner of the room for a small lecture. Standing awkwardly by the door was a young man, he had long blond hair that was braided and hung loosely over his shoulder. He had bright green eyes and he wore a similar green colored outfit, he held a staff and wore a pointed hat—which he took off as he turned his head to look at me.

"How are you feeling, miss?" he said softly as he walked over, setting down his staff as he knelt beside me on the floor.

"Not so good, sir." I kept my eyes down, out of habit when speaking to those above me in social status.

He gently lifted my chin up and smiled, "There's no need for such formalities, please, call me Yunan." I nodded my head, "Now, tell me. Where does the pain feel the worst?"

After a few minutes of explaining and answering questions, Yunan began to heal the remaining wounds on my back and face. Zuri, Aliya, and I watched in awe as I saw small white butterflies surround this mysterious man. Both maids began freaking out and they slowly backed away from Yunan. A new sensation racked through my body, I felt strong and light, once my energy had been restored, I looked brand new—well except for the thousands of scars I owned, but wow. That's pretty impressive.

"Y-Yunan?" I hesitantly asked, "Who are you?"

The man tilted his head, confused, "I am Yunan. I am only but a traveler passing through these parts."

"O-okay." I nodded politely, not pressing the matter any further and thanked him.

"You are welcome miss (Y/n). But there is one thing I must ask you, do you believe in fate?"

I blinked, "Do I believe in . . . fate?"

"Yes." He nodded, keeping a small smile to himself.

"I don't know how to answer that. I'm sorry."

"It's alright, you will know your answer soon enough." Yunan stood, biding us goodbye as he smiled, "I must be off, I believe your wounds are all gone now, at least those that are physical. Farewell!" He put on his hat and bowed, leaving the room. But just as he had left, another face walked into the room; the master. I quickly put my head down and Zuri went to inform him of my condition.

"Sir . . ." She started.

"Shut up," He grumbled as he walked over to me, placing a hand on my head and gripping a handful of my (h/c) hair; holding me up by it, "She needs to be ready to go by sunset." His comment directed at Zuri, "Make sure she has a new set of clothes and her filthy self washed, I can't sell a dirty slave, now can I, (Y/n)?" He pulled a little harder on my hair.

"N-no, sir." I whimpered trying not to struggle. He sighed and let go of my hair, turning away.

"Get on it, NOW!" The two maids flinched at his words, scrambling over to me as fast as they could.

"Y-yes sir!"

The master had gone and Aliya was busy finding (Y/n) a new set of clothes as Zuri took off the heavy chains that weighed (Y/n)'s ankles and helped her undress to bathe. (Y/n) quickly washed her hair and cleaned the left over blood and dirt off her body. After drying herself, she slowly put on the dress in front of her, enjoying the weightless feel on her legs. She felt like she used to, old memories came flooding back into her mind of her homeland. She began to smile at the thought of (C/n), but that soon faded as she was dragged back into reality. She finished putting on her clothes and beckoned Aliya over.

"Hey Aliya, do you remember that old bet we took a few years ago?"

Aliya threw me a "which one" face, "Depends, we've made a lot of those." I pointed at my feet, reminding her of the bet we took a few years ago. "Oh, that one." She stifled a small fit of laughter, "Looks like you won. What did I have to do again? I know that if I won, you had to tell Zuri I stole her shoes and hide them in the well by the marketplace . . . and I just messed up big time, didn't I?" She threw a glance at Zuri, who was practically steaming with anger.

"Y-you did that?!" She grumbled quietly.

"If I won, you have to do one small favor for me. Do you remember it?" Aliya shook her head, "You had to shine my chains. It was something we would joke about when we were little. You remember that?" She smiled and nodded, snickering slightly.

"Yeah, I'm on it; boss." I face palmed and rolled my eyes, we all shared a quiet laugh and then got back to work. I was so glad I had friends like Zuri and Aliya; they were always to kind to me. They never treated me like a slave and I wasn't one in their eyes, sometimes I wished that the happy moments we spent together wasn't in the shadow of something terrible.


A little while later, I had my chains back on and I was led outside to the prison cell-like carriage. Zuri and Aliya walked behind me, crying, wishing that they could keep me with them forever. I began to tear up too, but I had to be strong—for both of them. We had said our goodbyes in the slave quarters, as I was dragged up into the carriage; we exchanged a small glance, "Stay strong!" I mouthed. They nodded and all three of us knew we would probably never see each other for a while, if ever again.

Escaping Fate - Ja'far X ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora