Chapter 3

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The sound of wheels grinding on the rough ground could be overwhelming to a person who's life could be sacrificed in a moment's time. The sound of my new master chit-chatting with the coach driver was a bit loud and obnoxious, a lot different than living with my last one. I was certainly glad that he had sold me, but even though I was out of his grasp, I had entered another one, just as enslaved as before. I hated being separated from Aliya and Zuri, but the whole situation was out of my control.

I sat in the back of the coach, my feet crossed, and my head held low. There was no use in saying anything; for it is custom to keep quiet. I shifted nervously as my nerves turned to fire, thoughts ran in and out of my head, randomly and overwhelming. I bowed my head and clasped my hands together, not remembering the chains on my wrists . . . the sound clanked loudly in the back of the coach, causing the man to turn around, and stare at me. Our eyes connected, and his dark eyes were like that of a cat, wide but deceiving. His mouth moved slowly, "What are you doing back there?" My eyes widened as I stuttered over my words quietly, "P-praying, sir." My head fell down, avoiding the eye contact that I had carelessly made, hoping for the best.

The older man chuckled, "Go ahead and pray to your gods." With that, he turned his back to me and continued his conversation with the driver. Laughing, his eyes shot back at me, then he went silent.

"Girl, what's your name?" He quizzed, harshly.

My head shot up at his bipolar behavior; my eyes went wide, "(Y-y/n), sir." He waved his hand and grunted, turning back around - completely ignoring my response. My heart thumped loudly in my chest as my ears buzzed, and to keep myself from losing consciousness, I went over the events of my day . . . to think that I had been at the house of the government official only a few hours ago. I had laughed with my closest friends . . . and said goodbye to them. And then I had gone to the auction . . . that terrible, terrible auction. The image of the young man who had attempted to win the auction shot through my head, who was that? And who was the other boy with him?

My thoughts were interrupted when the cart came to a sharp stop, my eyes wandered to the front of the cart, I guess we were here. My old master, the government official, was in the far western province of the Leam Empire, but this man, my new master, lived in Remano - the capital. The laughing and conversation soon ended and my new master, who had yet to introduce himself, scowled and snapped his fingers loudly, causing me to jump slightly.

"Get out," The man grumbled and waved his hand in my direction, "We're here." He jumped off the coach, quickly ducking into the home. I quickly scrambled to my feet, almost tripping over the iron links that kept me captive. By now the sun had begun to rise, the light spilling over the city, slowly lighting the entrance of the large home in front of me. My eyes squinted to keep out the overwhelming brightness, since my hands were bound in lighter chains to my ankles, I had no way to shield my (E/c) eyes from the sun.

A strong wind blew through the sky, sending my (H/c) (H/l) hair into a mess, I ducked my head quickly and tried to fix it. Noticing my frantic movements, the coach driver, bless his soul, quickly ran his hand through my hair in an attempt to help me. Thanking him quietly; I bowed in his direction and averted my eyes - silently thanking the gods for people like the coach driver.

The master came marching out of the house angrily, he barked orders at the servants that had come to the coach to get the master's things, his eyes travelled the crowd, soon landing on he. A shiver ran down my spine as I felt his eyes on me, soon a voice rang through the courtyard, "Oi! You, girl! Get over here!" He ordered.

My feet moved as quickly as I could, shuffling on the ground and scuffing up some dirt along the way. The doors to the giant building opened as I followed this new man inside, the house was amazing. Paintings hung from the walls; different tapestries and curtains hung from the windows, a large staircase with glimmering white stone - even coloured glass on the ceiling in the pattern of a gladiator's arena. I had seen something similar in the house of my former master.

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