Chapter 4

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The sun rose once again, entering the great Empire of Leam into another busy day of life and work. Some were still waking, but I had been up for the last couple of hours. There was one thing that I remembered from my former life in (C/n), and every morning I would wake before the sun had risen and perform a small ritual my parents had taught me. It required harnessing the power of the rising sun; the power of light.

The small markings on my face began to glow slightly as the sun rose, it was time. I got off of the floor and sat on my knees, bringing my hands to my chest and clasping them together tightly. I softly whispered a few words in (C/l)(Country Language), causing my (H/c) hair to flow slightly with the energy that was produced from the spell.

A ball of light about the size of coin appeared in front of me from the gathering light energy, slowly taking it into the palm of my hand; I squoze it tightly causing it to burst like a bubble. As it burst, small fragments of light showered down on me in different colours and shapes. It was beautiful; just like a dream. If there was one thing in my life that made me happy, it was this.

As each small paticle of energy fell into the floor, I rose my hand into the air and whispered, "Longissimus dies cito conditur. " I had long forgotten what it meant, but it was the one gift my parents had given me before our lives were torn apart by the slave trade.

Once the rest of the light had faded back into the air, I stood, running a hand through my hair. I sighed, releasing some of my nerves with the release of the air. I looked out the window in the room, watching as the sunlight dripped through the city, soon leaking into the room I occupied. It was a little enchanting.

A knock came from the door, bringing me out of my dazed state. I threw my head to the side, my eyes on the door. A small woman appeared in the threshold, "I was told to come and get you, but it seems that you've already woken." She rolled her eyes, "Come with me, your chores start today." She gestured for me to follow her as she turned on her heel and walked into the hall.

I quickly moved my feet and followed her into the kitchen, the room was chaotic, people yelling and pots and pans clanging everywhere. Amiss the chaos, a large tray with tea and a small plate of fruit was shoved into my hands and I was sent off on my way.

I walked down the hall, trudging my feet into Cordelia's room. Exhaling softly, I knocked on the door; when hearing a muffled, 'Come in.' I opened it and walked in, setting the heavy tray down on the table in the corner of the room. 

"(Y/n), wonderful morning, is it not~?" Cordelia spoke, sighing loudly as I opened the curtains, allowing a bright stream of light to flood into the room, "Too bright!" She laughed. 'She's in a happy mood this morning . . . good.' I thought as I tied the last curtain to the sides of the window.

I heard her get up from her bed and walk over to me, I felt a tug on my (H/l) hair pulling my head softly to the side, where I was greeted by Cordelia's sharp features. I looked to the side, avoiding eye contact, as was habit.

Her hand rose, so I could see it in the corner of my eye, and snapped her fingers, "Look at me." She hissed. My eyes flickered over to hers and then back to their original place, one of her hands placed themselves on my chin and jerked it up harshly, "Look at me." She repeated.

So I did, my eyes connected with hers, and she smirked, "Wondrous eyes, makes me want to . . . " She stopped herself and cleared her throat, letting go of my face and taking a step back, "Today you are to go to the market and make a stop at the textile shop, don't be late upon returning." She ordered, running a hand through her hair. I nodded slowly, clasping my hands together tightly, unsure of how to process the recent situation. Turning on her heal, she waved her hand, "Thank you for the tea, now off with you."

With that I left for the market.

I made my way through crowds and found myself looking at the list; I had already bought the fish, the herbs, and the cheese. All I had left was the fabrics from the textile shop. I looked around the market for a few minutes, and ended up shyly asking help from a stranger, who gladly pointed me in the right direction. I found the stall at the end of the road, and a old man sat on a small crate. 

He looked up and smiled, "How can I help you today?" I dug through the basket and pulled out the list, handing it to him, "I need the fabrics Lady Cordelia has requested, sir." He took the paper and scanned it over, humming as he handed it back to me. He stood shakily, shuffling his feet over to the folded bundle of beautifully coloured threads, there were so many colours, it was hypnotic.

I quickly snapped out if it and gently placed it in the basket, "Thank you, sir!" I pulled out the gold coins to pay for it, but was stopped by the old man, "No need, young lady. You go on ahead, but will you do me one favor?" His raspy voice spoke shakily.

I nodded, "Yes."

His eyes clouded with sadness, "Tell Cordelia her grandfather misses her."

And with that sentence, my heart broke. I bit my lip and smiled, "I will, you have kind heart, sir." I slowly turned my hips, walking away. I felt pity for the man, he must have really loved his granddaughter.

I turned a corner, away from the market, finally it was at least a little bit quiet. As I kept walking, I felt like someone was watching me, I stopped walking and turned my head, only to find someone walking behind me. He walked behind me, his hands swaying from side to side. Feeling a sudden strike of fear shoot through my body, I turned and quickly started to walk away, even though my chains kept me from running, I tried to move as fast as I could.

But then there were people walking into the street in front of me, what did they want? Soon enough I had to stop walking, and they closed in.

"Who is this? Another little rat with chains?" One of the men laughed, "It's a cute rat at least." At their comment, I backed up, feeling my back hit the building behind me.

"P-please leave me al-alone . . . " I stuttered, my heart threatening to pop out of my throat. The man who had recently spoke ripped the basket from my hands, "What are you going to do about it, rat?" I squeezed my eyes shut, preparing for the worst.

"Hey, guys. What's going on here?"

A loud, authoritative voice jokingly spoke behind the group of people. I heard a gasp as I opened my eyes, only to find a very, very tall man with bright blue hair angrily standing in front of me, his eyes were covered by his bangs, but he wore a very pissed off smile, "I will repeat, what is going on here? Why are you harassing this young lady?" In a flash, the group of men were gone, they had dropped my basket, but thankfully; the fabrics hadn't fallen out.

Stuttering, I thanked him, whoever this giant person was, and scrambled to pick up the items that had fallen to the ground. He also got down and helped me, when we finished, he handed me one last bag of herbs and we stood.

"A-are you alright? Those men love to bother every other person they find on the street . . . " He looked down at my feet and his face dropped, "You're a slave, aren't you . . . I'm sorry."

I raised my hand, "Don't be, neither of us have any control in the matter. Thank you for your help, I should best be on my way." I gave a small bow and began shuffling away as fast as I could. But the man persisted, "Wait! Who are you? What's your name?" Now I was annoyed. But deciding to be nice, since he saved me, I turned around and gave him my answer.

"My name is (Y/n), I am nothing but a slave. Good night." With that, I walked away and the giant man followed me no more.

I got back to the house on time, and was asked to help prepare dinner. These last few days have been strange.

Could this be fate?


'Her name is . . . (Y/n)?'

Escaping Fate - Ja'far X Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن