Chapter 5

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Weeks ended, and soon months. Things seemed to fly by, as everything was the same routine; wake up, go through my ritual, chores, go to the marketplace, and make dinner. It was fairly simple compared to the life I had lived with my last master, a lot less violence to start the list.

The sun had begun to flood into the city, light soon filling the area. The noise and bustling of the market and streets lulled everyone into the new day. After hearing the knock on my door, I ran my hand through my hair and yawned, standing up and slipping the brown dress over my head. I tied the white apron around my waist and bent down to slip my shoes onto my feet. I lifted my foot off the floor, only to have it weighed back down by my chains. I sighed, placing my hand at the bridge of my nose. So, I sat down on the cold floor and slid the black shoes onto my heavy feet. After I stood, I made sure to straighten out the blanket on my bed and close my door. 

I honestly found it strange that a slave would be allowed to have their own room. While I questioned it, I wasn't about to start complaining. It was honestly nice to have the privacy, even if I was a little lonely.

My left foot crossed over my right as I slowly danced around the kitchen, making lunch for Cordelia and finishing up the leftover dishes from breakfast. As I finished cleaning a platter, I set it down on the counter next to the cutting board. I twirled around and pulled a knife out of sink, rinsing it off before setting it down on the wooden board.

I continued to hum as I swayed my hips in a small motion. After picking up the basket of fruit left by the door by a servant this morning, I began to chop away at the fruit, slicing it into small pieces to be put onto the platter.

Once I finished slicing the large mango, I moved on to the strawberries and kiwis. The knife skillfully cut through the fruit, only to be pushed aside so there would be room to cut more. I opened my mouth so I could sing the few words in my song and closed it to keep humming.

The title of this tune remained a mystery to me, it was the song of my mother, the song of our people. She had taught it to me when I was younger, we'd sit together under the tree in front of our home and sing it together, there were more words to it; but as time loves to erase things, they were forgotten.

Smiling at the happy memory, I continued to sway my hips and dance my feet around slowly. Oh, how I wish I could dance without these chains . . .

I pushed a small pile of fruit into the pile of chopped berries and set my knife on slicing another.

"I've never heard a tune quite like that." A sharp and authoritative voice whispered into my ear. I whipped around at animalistic speed, my ankles twisting onto each other. I squeaked, only to find the haughty face of an amused Dolus Zenon.

"I-I . . . Sir!" I dropped my head and bowed sloppily, I attempted to slow my breathing; but no avail. My (H/l) hair swayed as a hand was placed on the top of my head, ruffling in slightly.

He chuckled, "Where did you learn that song? I've never heard anything quite like it." As I felt his hand leave my head, I rose; hesitantly answering his question.

"It is a song that my mother taught me when I was little," I stammered, "I have long forgotten most of the words, and the title has eluded me; but it is one of the only things I have left of her, sir." I felt my head begin to pound, "It is a very old song of my people."

"Interesting," Dolus said. Out of the corner of my eye, I watched as his hand rose. My feet shuffled back and I soon felt my back hit the counter. I froze as Dolus walked closer to me, I followed his hand as it moved towards me and I flinched, expecting an impact. But it never came; he reached past me and picked up a strawberry, popping into his mouth with a hum of delight. He chuckled loudly, not saying a word. 

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