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Hello, my friends!

I hope that you enjoyed Chapter 9!

I'm . . . really, really, really sorry for not updating in about a whole damn year . . . I've been the worst author ever. All I want is to write the stories I want to read, and have I been reading lately? Not really. So, things will be different. I'm in a better headspace, so expect more chapters soon!!

Also, for those of you who are in quarantine, I hope that you are all doing alright! Let me know if there's anything I can do for you, I'm here for you and I'm a great listener. COVID-19 will eventually pass and things will go back to normal. We can get through this! 

Stay safe, practice social distancing, and please, for the sweet love of the gods, wear your masks.

I want to say thank you. Thank you for reading this story. I never thought I would get as many readers as I've gotten (And yes, I know, that's what every other author on this site says.) but, I hope that we can continue to keep this story alive. And that's something I need to keep up on as well, I'm sorry.

So, please. Give me tips and critique on my writing. It's horrible and I need help.

Thank you for reading!! I love you all!

Keep reading! And be patient with my broken mental health. You will eventually get another chapter!

Until the next part~!

Have a wonderful day :) 

Escaping Fate - Ja'far X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now