Chapter 9: A New Feeling

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The music video is her theme

Rock Lee's POV:

I was caught off guard by her request, but I agreed to sparr. Through fighting her, I could learn more about her. We got into position and then began. I didn't know we were being observed at the time by Guy sensei and Kakashi sensei.
I expected her to open with a ninjutsu, however she let me make the first move. She dodged it easily and each successive strike after. She seemed to be observing me. Finally she advanced an attack, her moves were fluid and almost rhythmic as though she were dancing. She struck at me, I avoided it with ease. However I failed to realize that it was a distraction from her true move in which she spun kicked close to the ground with one leg while the other kicked upwards towards my face. I couldn't miss it in time and landed a swift kick to the jaw at the same time my legs were knocked out from under me. 'She's amazing' I thought as I fell to the ground. She was the winner.
She helped me sit up and got on her knees in front of me. She touched my sore jaw and a soft glow came off her fingertips as I felt her healing me. Unconsciously I reached out and touched her soft hair and twirled it around my fingertips. She looked at me and confusion seemed to cross her face, but she finished healing me and helped me up.
Sayuri: "You fight well, your sensei must be amazing. If you would like to sparr again, don't be afraid to ask."
I blushed "Thanks, hey why didn't you use any ninjutsu?"
She looked at me and said "I could tell that you were a taijutsu specialist and I wanted to see how strong you were. Besides most of my jutsu is espionage based and... And well other forms of gaining information. I do have other ninjutsu besides those but I refuse to use those."
I was shocked. She was a spy in her village, and by gaining other information did she mean. . . Torture?
Sayuri: "I would also appreciate if our audience would show themselves. Isn't it bad enough you observe me at night Kakashi?"
I looked at her "What are you talking about?" I was interrupted by the sudden appearance of my sensei and Kakashi. They had been there all along.

Guy's POV:
We watched as Sayuri fought my student. I could tell early on that he didn't stand much of a chance, but it was a great fight to watch. Even Kakashi watched it closely and didn't read his book. That's saying something. She observed him and then struck. 'That was a truly amazing technique she pulled off at the end.' I looked to Kakashi and he nodded in agreement at her skill.
Again she healed my pupil, and I saw something odd. He reached out and touched her hair, something about it was affectionate. I had never seen him like that before. Not even around Sakura. 'Does he like her?' That was when I realized she announced our presence and we appeared before them. Kakashi seemed genuinely shocked that she knew. I didn't blame him.

Sayuri POV:
I was healing Lee after our match. I didn't want him walking around hurt because of me. 'Wait why did I feel that way?' He reached out and touched my hair and played with it. A flutter went through my chest and I felt my cheeks get hot. Of course he wouldn't be able to see it with my head wrap. I wracked my brain 'Am I Sick? What is this I am feeling?' I had my emotions stripped when I was young in order to be in the anbu. I had forgotten what it meant to feel anything really. But I didn't know if what I felt was emotion or illness. 'It feels nice, safe and warm. I haven't felt safe since my mother was alive. I like this' I hated feeling weak while being watched and immediately announced the presence of those watching in order to divert attention.

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