Chapter 60: The Future of Konoha

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Sayuri's POV: 

The first one to be told about my pregnancy was elder brother. We met at our normal training time when he could take a break from his duties as Hokage. I was careful to train the way Tsunade told me to by not doing any taijutsu. The hand to hand combat was too draining. 

Instead we trained in ninjutsu but even still I grew tired quickly.

Kakashi: "What's wrong kiddo? Just because your'e married now, your'e not getting out of shape right?" 

We laughed at that and decided to take a break. As we sat under the peach tree, I spoke.

Sayuri: "Brother?"

Kakashi: "Yeah kiddo?"

Sayuri: "Do you ever get lonely? I don't mean in a romantic way, but I mean in that it's just us."

He sat in thoughtful silence and when he spoke his voice was soft. 

"I suppose I do, that's not to say you aren't enough family for me. Yet I do miss having a family."

I smiled gently at him and spoke with my hand on my stomach "You won't be so lonely soon, our family just got bigger brother."

His eyes widened at what I said, and I saw his eyes fill with tears. He pulled me into his arms and stroked my hair as he held me. I heard him gently say "Your'e going to be a great mother. I am so happy for you and Lee, I can't wait to meet the little one."

Rock Lee's POV: 

The day after Sayuri told her older brother, we decided to tell Guy Sensei. We wrapped the leg warmers and set off to visit him. I held Sayuri's hand as we walked, it wasn't often that she got to go see Guy sensei due to work so this was a big deal. We finally made it to his home and went to the garden where he was sure to be. He was in his wheelchair tending to the plants. He smiled as soon as we approached.

Guy: "Lee! Your'e looking youthful as ever, and Sayuri... You grow more beautiful each time I see you. Your'e positively glowing."

She blushed at his words and thanked him, my darling was so modest that compliments always made her blush. It just made me love her all the more.

Lee: "Thank you Guy sensei, we came to show you something Sayuri made."

Guy: "Is that so? What is it?"

She walked over to him and laid the box in his lap, he gently opened it and his face lit up. 

Guy: "Does this mean? Sayuri are you pregnant my dear?" 

Sayuri: "Yes Guy Sensei it does."

Guy: "A new generation of splendid ninja,  a new future. I'm so happy for you both. If you ever need a babysitter, I would be delighted.

I teared up at his words and hugged him. "Oh Guy sensei thank you!"

Sayuri's POV: 

The next day we were going to tell our friends over supper at a restaurant, but my body had other plans. By that I mean it decided that I needed to throw up everything I had ever eaten in my life. Lee refused to leave my side, he held my hair and rubbed my back to comfort me. I felt bad for ruining our plans but I just couldn't stop my morning sickness. 

Lee: "Don't be silly, you didn't ruin anything. This is a natural part of pregnancy and I will be here for you through it." 

Little did I know that he sent Hitsugi to let everyone know I wasn't feeling well. 

As night approached I gradually began to feel better, but eating or smelling food was out of the question. That was when I heard a knock at the door. Lee refused to let me lift a finger so he immediately got up and answered the door while I rested in the living room.

Then all of our friends came in with Lee. 

Sakura: "We knew how excited you were for all of us to get together again so we decided to come to you."

Hinata: "Sakura is right. Are you feeling any better?"

Naruto: " So was there any special reason you wanted to see us?"

Akamaru and Hitsugi ran around playing all the while and I couldn't help but laugh and cry. I was so lucky to have friends like them. They seemed shocked by my reaction except for Lee who I believe understood. 

"Well actually there was a reason we wanted to see you all, in fact it's the reason I am sick." 

Lee had walked over to where I was sitting by this time and he laid an encouraging hand on my shoulder. 

"We are having a baby." 

All of the girls squealed excitedly and ran over trying to feel the baby kick. The guys all joked with Lee. I was overjoyed at their reaction. I couldn't wait for the baby to come.

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