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It's been a week since I sent Pau and Pat out on a mission, they had to take one of the planes and carry some 'waste' to a different base in America. It should have been a two day trip but they haven't returned yet. I swear if they crashed another plane....

If they did end up crashing God knows what that 'waste' could do. Heck, it could start another zombie outbreak, those are always fun.

I have tried contacting them over the radio but all I get is static, I have sent out a search plane. I'm starting to get worried, Pau and Pat are my best soldiers and have been with me since the beginning.

I sit down in my office chair and stare at the immense pile of paperwork, being a leader of a whole army is hard work, especially since we have recently taken over part of America. Stacks and stacks of paperwork need to be done by tonight.

My radio on my desk starts to static and I quickly pick it up hoping for good news.

'Sir, your not going to like this.' As one of my soldiers talk I can hear strange noises in the background, it sounds like growling or a type of low groan.

"What's the problem soldier?" I demand over the radio. Now might be a good time to mention I haven't been outside for a week, that's how long we have been searching for Pau and Pat. I really hate paperwork, I barely get any free time to myself.

'Sir, the plane has crashed but Pau and Pat are no where to be seen.'

"What?" That's strange... I remember telling Pau and Pat specifically to wait by the crash site if they ever crash again, I don't want this to be a repeat of last time. "Anymore details soldier?" I ask hopefully.

'Yes sir, the 'waste' they were transporting got into a large body of water an-' Static.

"Soldier, do you copy? Soldier?" I ask desperately over the radio.

'Red leader sir! Monsters have started attacking from the water!' I can hear screams and gun shots over the radio. I'm petrified, and just like that it all stops. Only the faint sound of growling can be heard, then just static.

I have never heard of anything like this happening, do I send reinforcements? Do I wait?

I thought the best choice would be to wait, no use in risking the lives of more of my soldiers. I'll send out some soldiers to check around outside and make sure there are non of those monsters out there around our base. I have a strong feeling that those weren't just random monsters that came out of the water. As much as I wish it wasn't true, I think that was Pau and Pat.

I turn on the news to see what is going on in the outside world, and what I see, I expected.

'A random outburst of monsters have come out of no where, they are on the move and they are killing anyone in sight. We suggest you stay indoors until further notice.' The news lady looks terrified, I give her some credit for staying out in that mess. Everything behind her looks to be on fire and all I see is people running from these beasts.

One in particular, looks a grayish color with torn navy blue and red clothes around it's fin. It's eyes look scared yet vicious as I watch it bite into a child. Those eyes remind me of Pat.. I realize this is nearby us.

I slam my fist on a button on my desk sounding alarms, I speak into the intercom. "This is not a drill, we are on lock down, I'll explain later. Lock down all windows and close all gates, I repeat this is not a drill." I say it as calmly as I can manage, not to scare any children or new recruits here.

This is only the beginning, I know it. Who knows how strong these monsters are.. And who knows how long it will be until it gets cleared up. I'll have to start studying these beasts to come up with ways to get rid of them. Now I have to clean up another one of Pau and Pats' messes.

Only time can tell....

I hope everyone enjoyed the first part of my new book! I'm sorry for discontinuing the other one, I got bored of it and I didn't really enjoy writing it. This one will be different though, I will try and update it everyday! I'm enjoying writing it so far so i'm sure this will be fun!! Please note, this is my first fan-fiction, first Eddsworld fan-fiction to be exact. It's also going to have some slight TomTord content in it, no fluff maybe. Well anyway, I might update more later today so stay tuned! One more thing, it's going to be alternating between Tord's and Tom's point of view.

Bye Bye!

817 words...

Alone (Monster AU) [DISCONTINUED]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя