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"Stace, you look like you fell asleep on the job AGAIN." I sighed and put a hand on my forehead. I could hear her nervously chuckle, indicating she had indeed fallen asleep on the job. "Did you at least take care of the new patients?" I asked this making sure to keep my voice strong. I was starting to get annoyed, not because of Stace, but other 'things'.

"Yeah Yeah, I got 'em all patched up. Lucky you found them when you did, they should be dead right now!" She chuckled as if it was a joke. Yeah, they did get in my way, but if they were going to die it would be by my hand. I saw movement in the corner of my eye and turned to see Pau making his way toward us.

"Pau!" I heard Stace gasp. "You're not supposed to be out of bed yet!"

"I can walk, my legs aren't broken. Oh Red Leader I have some news for 'ya." I rolled my eyes and grabbed Pau's arm. "Tell me once you get back in bed."

"But sir, I think it's importa-" I tugged on his arm and pulled him back to the infirmary. "Like I said before, tell me once you're in bed. You're in no condition to be walking around like you didn't get attacked by a monster and was left for dead for god knows how long."

I heard Pau sigh, clearly giving up. When some of my soldiers found him, he had no serious injuries. From monsters at least. He had many cuts from the plane as well as a shattered knee cap. I don't think he knows about his knee cap, considering that remark he made earlier with Stace.

We made it back to the infirmary, I only just now realized Stace was following us. I should just start calling her 'Stealthy Stace' just to confuse and annoy her. I opened the door and stopped dead in my tracks. Tom was sitting up in his bed, his back facing the door. 

I slowly made my way in trying to stay quiet. "Hey Tom! I'm back!" Pau just had to ruin it. Tom spun around and looked at me, His 'eyes' wide. I stood there returning his gaze, I tried to make myself look powerful and threatening.  I had my arms crossed behind my back and I was standing tall.

"Thomas, you're awake." I said quietly and as calmly as I could, I heard my voice shake a bit. Tom quickly stood and stomped up in front of me. 

"How the hell are you alive." He stared into my eyes, and I stared back. The blackness can get intimidating if you stare to long, so I slowly looked away.

"Thomas, just go take a seat, I have stuff to do and I don't have time to fight with you. Once I'm done with all my work, I'll answer any question you have to ask." I was still holding onto Pau's sleeve as I practically dragged him onto his bed.

Tom stood off to the side, glaring into my back. I could just feel the hatred in his gaze. "Tom, I need you to behave for this to work." I turned back to him after Pau was settled, Stace was by my side. I tilted my head to her. "This is Stace, she's a doctor and she's the reason you Edd and Matt are alive. I suggest you listen to her, and be sure to say thank you." 

I could hear him growl. He was defiantly not happy that I was treating him like a child. I chuckled softly to myself as I made my way to the door. "Stace, check up on him and if he causes any problems, don't be afraid to let me know." With that I walked out. I seemed to have made myself clear, there was no more words needed.

I started walking back to my office which isn't to far from the infirmary. I put my hand on the scanner unlocking my door. My office was pretty small, a single desk sat in the middle of the room with stacks of paper piled on it. There were a few bookshelves off to the sides of the room that were full of history and war books. The room was a nice red color with a flag hanging on the wall, it having the Red Army symbol on it. It was pretty cozy if I do say so myself.

There was a door at the back of the room, it simply lead to my bedroom. That's where I sleep, read hentai, and just hung out. I even eat in there if I was stressed enough. Every soldier has a small room, about the size of my office. They didn't need much except for a bed, dresser and some personal belongings. Their rooms were cozy, heated in the winter, and air conditioned in the summer. Every room had a decent sized window to look out of.

I aloud pets as well. Not very many people had pets but it was an option. I sat down at my desk and sighed. I stared at the paperwork on my desk and grabbed a pen. The quicker I get this done, the quicker I get some answers out of Tom. I'm sure he's thinking the same thing.

I started signing papers and reading over some stuff. God this is boring. I barely had the attention span to read a simple history book let alone read thousands of papers I could care less about. I couldn't help but let my mind wonder. Wonder about what happened to Tom, Edd and Matt. Tom was perfectly fine but Edd and Matt? They were almost dead. How did Tom manage to not get a single scratch on him? Unless he was the one that caused Edd and Matt's injury's.

He wouldn't do that unless he was drunk, probably not even then. I could never imagine him hurting them that way, no matter how annoyed or drunk he is. 

Tom didn't cause this... Right?

So sorry about missing yesterday! I'm just getting over a bad case of bronchitis and I had to miss some days of school last week which ended me with a ton of make up work. I'll see what I can do about another part today to make up for yesterday! Well I'll see you guys later!

1060 words!

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