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I sat in my chair and listened to the silence, not an awkward silence, but a peaceful silence. I had put the whole base in a hard lock down and I was thinking of to do next. Would the army be safe like this, or were the beasts powerful enough to break in? How long will this monster break out last? Those where the questions popping up in my head.

What if I sent out a search party to bring any survivors back to base? Then we could take this chance to bring in a bunch of reinforcements for the army! I chuckled to myself. 'I'm the smartest leader ever.' I thought to myself.

I turned on my radio, ready to call Pau and Pat to my office. 'Oh right..' I sighed quietly. Okay now think.. What are some other good soldiers that can be my second in command? Ugh.. This is to difficult, Pau and Pat were the only smart people in this base other than me. Maybe Jane? He's pretty smart, he comes up with all our battle plans, maybe he can organize the search party. I turned on the radio and spoke into it.

"Jane, come to my office."

"Yes sir." I heard him nervously reply. He's the type that's always nervous around me, but he's strong and can knock some heads together if needed.

After a minute or two I heard a soft knock on my office door. "Come in." I calmly called, a short male walked in. He was about 5'9, pretty short for being in the base, most people were around 6 foot. He had longish curlyish blond hair, freckles along his cheekbone and nerdy looking glasses. He looks as if he would work in a lab.

"You needed me sir?" Jane asked, I could tell he was nervous being around me. His voice was shaky and scratchy like he's been yelling, but he isn't the type to yell. 

"I need you to find our best soldiers and organize a search party, I'll be leading it and you will be in it to." I then told him about my plan of finding survivors and making them a part of the army.

"Sir that's brilliant, but isn't it a bit risky? I heard it's getting bad out there." He seemed confident now, so that's good.

"All the more reason to go out and get people to shelter. Plus, there are a few people I would like to grab." I replied.

He nodded and ran out. 'That kid needs to learn to be more confident, but its good people are scared of me, they should be.' I thought to myself. 


I had brought the group of soldiers to the crash sight to look around for any survivors I heard over the radio a few days ago. I started to loose hope, all I could see were mangled up bodies, they had huge claw and bite marks on them. 

"Sir! Come quick!" I heard one of my soldiers yell. I quickly ran over to see Pau. He didn't have any claw marks or bite marks and I could see his chest slowly rising and falling. "Get Stace over here to check up on him, and bring him back to base." I demanded, relief in my voice. Stace is one of my best doctors. She's kinda plump with long wavy brown hair, she's about 5'7, definitely one of my shorter soldiers, but she has a hard head.

I walked away to a few soldiers and told them we were ready to move on with the search, and I told them to tell everyone else. 


We arrived in town and I didn't expect to see what I saw. Many of the building I knew were on fire and in shambles, others were either falling apart or perfectly fine with a few broken windows. I spotted a certain apartment building, it looked fine, and I was grateful. 

"Spread out and search around for people, Jane and Stace come with me." They nodded as I gave the orders. "Oh and bring a gun or two just in case, you never know whats out there."

Stace, Jane, and I started making our way towards the building, it wasn't to far so we made it there in no time. I looked at the door and gave a tug. Locked just as I expected. I grabbed a gun out of Stace's hand and shot off the lock, the door opened with ease and we made our way in. There was a lady behind the counter on her phone, she looked to be in her early twenty's.

"Wheres Thomas Ridgewell?" I demanded, she didn't even look up from her phone. I could tell Stace and Jane were surprised. "Room 41, forth floor." she replied, I rolled my eyes. "Stace, bring this women to the base, Jane stay with me.

We made our way up to the forth floor, we heard some screams coming from an apartment next to Tom's. "Jane, stay close and be ready to fire." Jane and I had a gun, my was some type of pistol and his was a rifle. I slowly walked up to the door and opened it, I gasped and opened it the rest of the way in a hurry. 

I could see the room was a mess, blood was everywhere and I could see Edd and Matt on the floor next to Tom. Edd and Matt looked injured, but Tom didn't have a single scratch on him. He was on the floor unconscious next to Edd and Matt. I looked around some more, whatever was here, it was gone now. I pulled up my radio and spoke into it, "Stace, get up here now with some medical supplies." She replied with a single 'Sir'. I took this time to check their pulses. Their barely hanging on.. I hope Stace hurries.

There's another one done guys! I'm sorry this one is out later than usual, I was having some internet issues! Next chapter I will try and draw a picture of what Stace and Jane look like. see you then!

Also one more thing, If you have Eddsworld Amino follow me at Wolfiegirl101, there is where I will  be posting some stuff about the book.

1042 Words!

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