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Paper works all done, god that took forever. I slowly looked at the clock on my desk and almost fell out of my chair. How could it be that late already!? Tom must be so mad right now, heck he might think I left him for good! I scrambled up and ran to my office door, almost tripping on Ringo in the process.

I stopped and looked down at the grey ball of fluff. "Maybe I should bring you to Edd before you claw the rest of my face off." I mumbled quietly, picking up Ringo. I opened my door and tiredly ran to the infirmary. My legs feel like jelly, I've been sitting staring at words on a paper for almost four hours straight. If I knew being a leader meant this much work, I wouldn't have created the army.

I opened the door to find Pau, Stace and Tom sitting on one bed playing a game of cards. Tom instantly got up along with Stace and Pau.

"Sir, would you like Pau and me to leave you alone with Tom for a bit? He has many questions so this might take a bit." I nodded already regretting my decision to answer Tom's questions. I could just feel Tom's hate and curiosity.

Stace and Pau left the room, closing the door behind them. I sighed and pulled Stace's office chair over to the bed they were all sitting on.

"Might as well lay down and get comfey Tom. I have a few questions too." I sat in the chair with Ringo still in my arms.

"As much as I would like to see Ringo scratch up your face, I think we should put him next to Edd." Tom had a point, I lifted Ringo up and Tom brought him to Edd. He sat him down on Edd's chest and gave him a little pat.

"Now, let's get to business." Tom came back over and sat on the bed.

"First question, have you fed Ringo?" I simply nodded and he let out a sigh of relief. "Edd would kill me if we let Ringo go hungry." Tom was in an oddly good mood, that made me uneasy.

"Next question, how the hell are you alive?" Tom crossed his arms. I knew this was coming so I carefully planned out an answer while I was doing paper work.

"You've met Pau. Him and his pilot buddy found me after the crash and helped me out. Thanks to you, I'm blind in one eye and I lost an arm." He growled lowly, I think I should've thought more on my answer..

"Thanks to you, Edd, Matt and me lost our house and everything we had! Edd's emotionally scarred and Matt is stressing himself to much to keep Edd happy!" I looked down in disappointment. Why would I care though? They aren't my friends and they never were. I felt the urge to say sorry, but I just couldn't. I don't know if it was pride or I just didn't care.

Tom let out a irritated sigh, I'm sure he would've rolled his eyes but you know. It seems he gave up on this one and wanted to move on.

"Next. Why are there monsters out there?" I narrowed my eyes and tried to think. Should I tell him it's Pau and Pat's fault? He might just hurt Pau if I do. Then again, that could be considered a punishment for causing this mess.

"It was from a plane crash. Pau and his friend Pat were transporting some waste and lost control of the plane somehow." I shrugged like it was no big deal but how was I supposed to clean up this mess? I just managed to clean up their little zombie apocalypse, how was I supposed to take on big blood thirsty monsters? I closed my eyes getting lost in thought, I barely noticed a small groaning coming from the other side of the room.

"Tord, Edd's waking up." I shook my head and opened my eyes. I wasn't ready to face Edd and Matt yet. Heck I wasn't ready to face Tom but look at where we are now. I looked in Edd's direction. He was sitting up and Ringo was sliding off his chest. Dumb cat must have fallen asleep.

"Tom?" Edd looked at Tom and quickly noticed me. "Tord?!" He stood up quickly making Ringo fly onto the floor. I chuckled and forced a smile. "Hey Edd, long time no see." 

He looked mad. I expected this though. I did kind of ruin his happy go lucky life.

"Tord where are we?" Edd made his way to me, I could hear the venom in his voice. 

"Edd please calm down. We are at my army base, and Tom before you ask the question, I'm just going to tell you." I huffed and prepared myself for the explanation.

"I'm sure you have heard of the Red Army. Well I'm the leader and founder of it." Tom and Edd's eyes widened. I don't know why, but I always did love it when I surprised them...

I can't wait to surprise them more in the future. 

Yeesh.. I don't know why but I'm not proud of this one. At least it's something right? Well, I'll be posting tomorrow! See ya then! 

P.S, Sorry for the shorter part!

878 words!

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