The third floor looked like a war zone: all the lights had been blown out, the walls were covered in deep cracks causing dust to sheet the floor and Beyoncé's door had been blown off it's hinges so hard that it stuck in the wall opposite. Shawn gasped and looked around with shock in his eyes before turning to Marcy. She had changed since he first arrived, it didn't take empath skills to see how impatient she was begining to get. The only problem was that he couldn't tell what it was she waiting to happen. She looked rough today, like she hadn't slept in weeks, her hair was a mess and she was wearing no-make up which was unlike her. Still, Marcy had changed and he didn't like it.
"What did you do?" He breathed heavily. He could feel his heart beating hard in his chest as the thought of anything bad happening to the girl he loved skimmed through his crowded mind. Marcy didn't care much for the relationship the two had grown, all she wanted was to use him and so she rolled her dark eyes just a little before pointing to Beyoncé's door,
"It wasn't us who did all of this" Marcy looked around at all the scientists and guards before turning her head back to Shawn and giving him a large sigh. "She won't let any of us get to her, you have to go and get her." Shawn paused for a moment and looked at Marcy with confused features. He couldn't just hand her over, she was clearly scared and there was no way in hell he would put her through any more pain. Before he had time to reply Marcy continued, "She's protecting Oliver's door so that we can't get to him but he has tests today so we need him. She's also put up a force field so we can't even go anywhere near her room or into her garden. This behaviour is unacceptable. She is postponing critical tests. For the sake of science you have to get her to stop." Shawn knew he couldn't put up much of a fight because there would be no way to help if he didn't even have a job anymore. The worst part about the situation was that every little detail was planned just like everything else in Beyoncé's life. Marcy wanted this all to happen, she was trying to construct a scene on purpose but Shawn of course couldn't possibly know that. He thought they were coming to their last option by asking him down there and he knew his job was on the line. He nodded his head slowly and then looked behind him at Beyoncé's door,
"I don't see a force field" He pointed out,
"Of course you can't see it but the last four guards who tried to get past sure as hell felt it." She took Shawn a few steps forward before he raised his hand slowly and felt the invisible wall in front of him. He gasped just a little and ran his fingers over it in amazement. How was this scientifically possible? Everything Beyoncé did had a scientific explanation until she started feeling other people's emotions and reading minds but this was a new level of bewilderment for him. He knew that she had begun to exceed scientific explanation, there was so much more about quantum physics that they had to learn and she held it all in her DNA.
"She won't talk to me with all of you here, can you wait until tomorrow to do the tests? Let me talk to her today and she should have calmed down by then." Shawn suggested, Marcy internally grinned having guessed he'd say exactly that but on the outside nodded her head slowly and looked at all of the scientists to tell them to leave.
"We'll come back tomorrow evening but the floor will be on lock down from now until then. There will a guard at every door but no scientists, if you fuck up: pack your shit and leave." Marcy spun away from him, the rest of the scientists and most of the guards followed behind her. He took this moment to look around and shake his head at what he saw, she really had trashed the whole floor. They were lucky the building hadn't collapsed in on them or something. Shawn turned back around and placed his hand on the force field once everyone was gone. He knew that she could hear was he was thinking and he guessed it worked out well because it meant he didn't have to say anything out loud that any scientist could hear. Instead he thought about how much he loved her and how they were alone now, he told her that she didn't need to be scared of him. Soon enough he felt the wall between them disappear and began walking forward toward her room . As he walked in he realised that the inside looked worse than the outside. All the furniture was ripped, everything was shattered, all of her sheet music and books were torn and everything just looked like a disaster.

FanfictionOn December 2nd 1985 there was a fire in Third Ward Houston Texas. The fire killed many people who were unable to make it out of homes in time but there was one little girl who magically survived. She was in a burning house, her four year old body h...