Télékinésie: Chapter 14

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Time passed the way it always had in the lab. Slow and tedious. The three had noticed that the lab seemed to have cut down on the tests they put Beyoncé through but they were harsher on Oliver. Her birthday seemed to be the same as any other day, the scientists didn't even know but she remembered and so did Shawn who told Marley and they had their own party in her secret room. Of course they had hoped to be out by now but they still hadn't found the nano-drive. Shawn said that they should all have a packed bag just in case an emergency came about when it was necessary that they leave. So, Marley's boot had become the emergency wardrobe for all of them. Shawn had packed a bag for himself, Marley, Beyoncé and Oliver in the boot along with other things he thought they would need if they ever found themselves in that bittersweet situation. They had money, technology, passports and he had managed to create each of them a whole new identity that the lab would never trace: Sasha Knowles, Trey Carter and Scarlet Knowles. They only needed to change the first name since the last was so common and they gave the girls the same last name because Beyincé would have been too closely related to Beyoncé. He had done everything he could to make sure they were set up if anything bad happened, of course he hadn't really been expecting it to happen. 

Marley had been working all day, the seemed to have given her more hours than usual since the begining of October,  and although being an unenthusiastic waitress didn't take up a lot of energy, she was still tired as hell. She had been on her feet all day, listening in on the conversations of almost every scientists who she passed and it wasn't easy having to pretend to respect these people when all you could think about was what they were doing to your sister. How they planned on using her for war and forced her to have to endure such a world of turmoil. It was so hard to look them in the eye and not see Olly crying out to you the way he had done after his simulation just yesterday. Within the last two months Marley had become very close to him and that just made it even harder to do her job without wanting to rip of the heads of everyone there. Just as she was about to pack up her things she saw Dr Hearty make his way over to his usual table. He always did the same thing, he sat down, opened his laptop, popped in the USB, typed away, asked for a drink and a muffin then he would remain for an hour or two before he left. At one point he would leave his laptop and things at the table to go to the toilet and even that was routine. She had always been too scared to look at what he was typing but today there was no one there and this was probably the only chance she'd get. In attempt to get a look at what it was he had been writing she decided to stay a little longer despite her desire to go home and it wasn't too long before he left the table to go to the toilet. She took this opportunity to run over to his laptop and skim read what he had been writing. She immediately realised that she probably should have done this a while ago. That was it. This old looking USB that he carries around with him every day... It was the nano-drive. She didn't know what to do, she had to take it but he would know it was gone, she couldn't just leave it because she'd be missing an opportunity she might not get again. She looked through her pockets knowing that the lab had given her a USB just like this one. She quickly found it in her pocket and switched it's place with the one in the laptop then turned the laptop off. Hopefully Hearty would think it had died or something and take it up stairs. Maybe he'd turn the laptop on and be angry that he hadn't saved anything he had done. Perhaps he'd know right away that it had been switched and go crazy. She still did it. She put the USB in her pocket and grabbed her things saying bye to her manager who was too busy cleaning to really noticed anything she had done. 

Marley ran up the stairs quickly and went to Shawn's lab careful not to be seen. She saw that his door was still open so ran in and shut the door behind her. Shawn jumped up from his seat and looked at Marley confused for a moment,

"Are you okay?" He walked over to her worried but she just smiled and pulled the USB out of her pocket and handed it to him. 

A few floors down Beyoncé made her way from Olly's suit with Darwin on her shoulder brushing his head against hers again and again. She laughed just a little as she pushed him away gently then walked into her own designated accommodation. She didn't spend as much time in her suit as she used to, Olly was becoming harder to settle so she spent a lot of time with him. Then a lot of time upstairs in the lab with Shawn and Marley comparing their DNA, when she wasn't doing that she was having her own tests and simulations and with the remainder of her time she snooped around listening to thoughts and reliving memories. Tonight she was almost determined to get a good night's sleep, it was early but she had never really been one for staying up late anyway. As she looked at her clock she noticed that Marley had probably left the resturant an hour ago if he left at her normal time and Shawn was probably still working on something up stairs. She took Darwin off her shoulders and placed him down on the bed as she quickly got changed and laid under the covers beside him. 

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