Shawn walked into Blue's room and Placed his stuff down on the bed. Since his separation with Beyoncé he had been sleeping in Blue's room while Blue and Beyoncé shared what used to be their room. He didn't mind, they all needed their space and if he ever truly hated it the living room was always on offer. Blue had just turned two and they went on dates regularly so there was no bad feelings between any of them but he missed being a real family. He felt so separated a lot of the time, like it was them and then it was him. He noticed that the both of them were sleeping so he pulled out his laptop and tried to work as quietly as possible, Blue was a light sleeper. He had been working for an hour or so when he saw the light come on in the hallway so he looked up and saw his ex-girlfriend standing at the door in her pyjamas.
"Why are you still awake?" She asked him with concerned features.
"Just thought I should get some work done." He told her but it was only partly true. He didn't always sleep very well and with all the arguments between Marley and Bey he was constantly on edge. Scared one of them would seriously hurt the other, Shawn was alert at all times and at night he had horrible dreams where Marley really was capable of killing Blue or where Beyoncé lost her temper and killed Marley in public.
"I thought we had stopped lying to each other." She walked into the room and smiled at him lovingly. "Shawn, I care about you." She sat beside him on the bed and he put the laptop away so that the two of them could lay back on the bed and wrap their arms around each other.
"I know. I've just been having a few problems with sleeping lately- It'll be fine." He closed his eyes and she looked up at him, she hated to see him like this. Things hadn't been the same since Marley stabbed him. He was trying to get Blue away from her (Marley was trying to slit her throat) but she stabbed him and he's been so weary since. "I just get so scared that one day something bad will happen between the two of them, I don't like Blue growing up in this environment." Beyoncé nodded her head slowly and rested her head on his chest.
"Shawn, I've decided to move in with Kelly." He opened his eyes and looked down at her with a shocked look on his face. "I know you don't want us too far but I can't have Blue and Marley this close." Shawn looked down at her with a soft face and she placed her hand on his cheek.
"I don't want you to go." He told her honestly. "I like you here with me, I miss being together.." He trailed off and brushed his hand against hers. He tried to lean in to kiss her but she pulled away.
"Shawn...Don't..." He leaned in closer to her and she pulled away again. "Shawn, I want to concentrate and Blue and the store and I'm not ready to be with you again-" She stopped herself and looked into his eyes. Gosh she loved him so much.
"You don't need to leave, let Scarlet come up here and baby sit instead of Blue going to their house. Marley always turns up when we least expect it and she can't come into this house because she doesn't have a key." Shawn pleaded, he couldn't stand the idea of her moving, he just wanted to be close to her. He leaned into her and she let him kiss her before pulling away and looking at him with sad eyes.
"Shawn, I don't want a relationship right now." She told him. He nodded his head and removed his arms from her body and she smiled at him softly. "I love you, I do. I just need to protect my baby." She gave him another kiss before removing herself from the bed and leaving Blue's bedroom.
Marley walked into the music shop and paused when she saw the back of her sister. Beyoncé was facing away from the door placing some books on a shelf when she felt her sister's presence in the room. She didn't bother turning around. She didn't plan on giving Marley much of her time or hearing anything she felt like saying so she read her thoughts quickly and then scoffed.

FanfictionOn December 2nd 1985 there was a fire in Third Ward Houston Texas. The fire killed many people who were unable to make it out of homes in time but there was one little girl who magically survived. She was in a burning house, her four year old body h...