Tina looked out of the window and sighed at the sight of the helicopter above her. "Matt!" She yelled but he didn't bother reply. He had become irritated with her constant yelling so he decided to ignore her, it seemed a lot easier than talking to her half the time because they just ended up arguing anyway. She groaned again when she saw cars coming down the road. "Matt!" She screamed again, this time feeling tears swell in her eyes. She tried to set the cars on fire but nothing was working, she was too panicked to do anything so she ran over to Beyoncé who had been sitting on the couch and leaned down to her to kiss her head. "Mommy's going to be right back." She said. Tina was scared, not only were there cars but there helicopters and they were surrounded. She sprinted up the stairs to Mathew and then walked into his office with her hands shaking. "I don't care if we're arguing, Matt. We have to protect our child! They're here." He looked at her and then jumped up from his seat running down the stairs. As he got to the bottom of the stairs he saw Beyoncé standing by the window so he ran over to her to and picked her up.
"What were you doing?" He almost yelled in her face.
"I got rid of them" She said innocently as she fiddled with her fingers. Mathew looked out of the window and saw a burning helicopter sticking out of the roof across the street. He sighed not sure if he ought to tell her off or not and then spun around when he heard Tina scream. There were people breaking into the house from every entrance they could find and when someone grabbed Tina it was over. She was overwhelmed. She was frustrated. She was scared. She was sad. The entire house blew up in flames within a second.
Some nights seem darker than others. There are less stars, less of the moon, less lights outside and everything seems so gloomy on those nights. Beyoncé desperately wanted to smile, she had always been the positive one but things weren't like they once were. She was quickly realising that the outside world was nothing like she thought it would be. She thought it was full of people smiling and talking but everyone she had seen was alone. She thought there were kids playing in all the streets. She thought that couples walked hand in hand down the side walk. She was wrong. She was very wrong. They had drove across the country and she hadn't seen that at all. People kept their heads down mostly, kids trotted behind their parents trying to keep up, couples were close but were mostly consumed by something else entirely. She was disappointed to say the least, maybe she thought that she wouldn't have to hide so much when she was free, maybe she forgot that they'd never let her go so easily. Either it didn't matter any more because things were not as simple as she once thought they would be.
Lately she had also been feeling something she hadn't felt before... frustration. All those small little things that she usually looked over were beginning to really get under her skin so much that she would bite down on her lip angrily or pierce her nails into her arms. She was just so angry all of a sudden. She continued looking out of the car window as she waited for Shawn and Marley to come back from the gas station. Why was he with Marley so much anyway? Marley sat at the front with him, he and Marley spoke about directions, they were pretty close. Beyoncé bounced her leg up and down as the car windows all began rolling up and down just as fast as her leg bounced. Scarlet lifted her head from her book and looked over to Beyoncé with wide eyes.
Marley walked into the gas station first with a bottle of vodka in her hand and a blonde wig on her head as she wobbled from side to side looking around with a silly grin. "Well this is cute!" She yelled as she walked into a table and then backed away from it still wobbling.
"Can I help you?" The only other person in the store said, they looked to be around 18 years old or so with a red top and his hands in his pockets as he stood behind the counter.
"I'm not drunk!" Marley suddenly yelled causing the boy to groan and leave his position behind the counter to go over to her and lead her out of the store. "Don't touch me!" She screamed throwing her arms about knocking over as many things as she could reach. This was when Shawn took this as his moment to slip behind the counter and take as much money as he could from the till- the best thing about gas stations like these was that the cameras never worked. It was easily to tell these things and Shawn had grown up stealing from gas stations, it was second nature to him. Once he was done he left just a little bit of money in the till and then slipped out through the back causing Marley to then look down at the boy and blow her alcohol drenched breath on to his face. "You're cute, why don't you come back to my car?" She leaned down to him but he quickly shook his head and then pushed her out of the door closing it behind her.

FanfictionOn December 2nd 1985 there was a fire in Third Ward Houston Texas. The fire killed many people who were unable to make it out of homes in time but there was one little girl who magically survived. She was in a burning house, her four year old body h...