It was cold a few states away. Frost coated the grass, the crisp breeze blew into his face and Dr William Hearty walked across a vast deserted old town with one aim: He was going to find Beyoncé himself. He knew that they couldn't afford to live in a big city so they'd have to be in one of the smaller towns, somewhere cheap and not so easy to find. There were over a million little towns which fit that description in the states but he had to try. Never in his life did Hearty think he'd be chasing after a woman but he had to! She was the only woman he had ever loved. He had loved the way she smelled, the way she smiled, he loved her eyes and her lips and her hair. He loved her accent and he loved how powerful she was. She was beautiful and he liked to dominate her and that was all he wanted. He wanted to control her and nothing turned him on more. He had a clear plan, take Beyoncé and give the lab the baby so he can get his job back. He didn't care if he had to kill Shawn in the process.
Hearty noticed a small motel on the other side of the lot so he walked over to it assuming that there would be traces of Beyoncé there but to his dismay nothing screamed out at him. He stayed for the night to get some rest and placed his laptop and other various pieces of equipment on the table in his room trying hard to find her. He needed to find her, he didn't know how but he had to.
They were all out side and they were all absolutely shitting themselves. Shawn, Marley, Scarlet, Kelly, Michelle and Kara. All now pacing back and forth in the waiting room and all panicking but for different reasons. Shawn knew that if any of those doctors even touched Beyoncé in a way that brought her any pain Blue would blow them away. Who knew what was going on in there? Things could be a lot worse than that. They could have already witnessed the abilities the two had and the lab could be on their way right now. The doctor walked into the waiting area and smiled at them all causing Shawn to pull a confused face.
"Just a result of all the adrenaline running through her, we gave her something to calm her down a bit." He winked at them all and then walked away. All six of them sprinted into her room and she looked at them with low eyes. Shawn knew she was hiding the pain, biting her lip to make it seem as if nothing was happening but it was.
"You scared me, Shash" Kelly said as she leaned down to hug her not realising that she was in an incredible amount of pain. Shawn stepped forward when he saw Blue look at Kelly but when Blue did nothing he stepped away and smiled at them. "I thought something bad was happening, you see it all the time on TV. Women just start becoming blood fountains after birth and almost die." Kelly stood away from the bed not wanting to be in the way of family and Beyoncé smiled weakly.
"Oh don't be so melodramatic, Kelly." Beyoncé laughed a little and then looked at the clock then back at her friends. "It's almost 12am, shouldn't y'all be going home? I don't want to make you tired when you have work in the morning and-" She was quickly cut off,
"Don't be so silly." Michelle said to her, "We came to see you and your baby and being a little tired at work is fine as long as we get to make sure you're both okay and congratulate you and becoming a mother." Michelle smiled widely at Beyoncé who nodded her head and looked between them all with a wide grin.
"I still think you should go home, it's late and I know you're all tired. Thank you for coming and I'll call you as soon your lunch starts." The gave in and gave Beyoncé a hug before saying goodbye to everyone else and leaving. As soon as they were gone Beyoncé busted into tears and tried hard not to scream in pain. She didn't know how long the pain would last but she knew it was still there and it felt just as bad as it did before. She was burning hot and Shawn touched her forehead in complete shock,
"Even her Enzymes can't put up with temperatures like that." He pointed out with a head shake. "Why is she so hot?" He asked Scarlet who had taken her rightful position holding the shaking Beyoncé.

FanfictionOn December 2nd 1985 there was a fire in Third Ward Houston Texas. The fire killed many people who were unable to make it out of homes in time but there was one little girl who magically survived. She was in a burning house, her four year old body h...