Our Song (11)

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I really didn't know what I was expecting as I walked up the stairs to Blake's apartment. I was nervous about meeting his parents, especially since Blake hadn't ever told me anything about them.

Blake and I were both silent as he dug his key out of his pocket and opened the front doort. He let me in first, following in soon after. It was dark for only a second after he had closed the door before he turned on the light.

"Is this a one bedroom apartment?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion as I looked around.

"Yeah," Blake nodded, dropping his backpack off by the door. I did the same, not sure of my own actions.

"But... what about your parents?" I questioined, assuming for the time being that he was an only child. "If there's only one bedroom in the entire apartment, how is there enough room for all of you?"

Blake was silent for a few moments. "I... live alone."

My eyes widened at him. "How old are you?"

Blake shrugged, as if it was no big deal at all. "Seventeen."

He was only seventeen, yet living on his own? There was no way I would have been able to do that, and there was no way that my parents would have ever allow me to do it. They wouldn't let my sister move out of the house until she was eighteen, even when she graduated early.

"Maybe we should work on the song?" I suggested, not knowing if there was anything else we could have done in his apartment. "It's been a while since we've worked on it outside of class, and the due date will probably come faster than we expect it to, so..."

"Okay," Blake nodded, sitting on his couch and gesturing for me to do the same. "Then let's get to work."

It was actually a lot harder than I thought it would be, since I didn't even know what relationship I had with Blake at that moment. I liked him, and I liked him a lot, but I had no idea how he felt toward me. We were definitely close, but I would have felt like I was lying if we wrote a song about how we were only just friends.

We worked on the song for only five minutes before we heard the front door suddenly open, and a voice call out, "Blake!" He looked terrified for a moment, but he smiled nervously at me when he noticed that I was looking at him. "Are you home, sweetie?"

Was this his mother? He said that he lived alone, but that didn't mean his mother couldn't visit him, right?

A redheaded woman suddenly stepped into the living room, stopping dead in her tracks when she saw me. She looked at Blake, and then back at me before saying, "Hello."

This woman was too young to be his mother, but too old to be a high school student. Was she his sister?

"This is Carrie," Blake introduced, gesturing to the redhead across the room from us with his hand. "She's..."

"I'm his girlfriend," Carrie finished for him, suddenly beside Blake and wrapping her arm around his shoulders.

My eyes widened, not believing what I was hearing. This woman was beautiful, but she was definitely older!

Blake's eyes widened as well before he said, "No, sh—she's... she's just a friend of my parents that checks up on me!"

I let out a sigh of relief, glad that it had just been a joke. Carrie now smiled at me. "You must be Leah."

I nodded, not knowing what else I was supposed to do. I was still kind of in shock over the whole girlfriend joke.

"I'm Carrie Norton," she introduced, holding out her hand for me to shake. I took it, knowing there was nothing else I could do. "I'm... a friend of Blake's parents. I check in on him every now and then since he doesn't live with them."

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