Our Song (31)

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Just like always, I ignored Sean whenever I passed by him in the halls. He would always look right at me, but I'd never give him the time of day. I was so tired of all the crap he had been giving Blake and me, and I wasn't going to deal with it any longer. He needed to know that I hadn't ever loved him like he loved me, and I was never going to.

I couldn't help but feel kind of bad for him, though. I guess it wasn't really his fault that he loved me so much. It was something that was out of his control. I was sure I wouldn't have fallen in love with Blake if I could control it.

"Are you ever going to talk to me?"

Surprisingly, he actually spoke to me this time. He grabbed onto my arm, stopping me in the middle of the hallway, and all I could do was stare at him for a moment because I didn't really know what to say.

"Are you ever going to talk to me without mentioning Blake and how I should leave him for you?" I quipped back, since there was nothing else I could say to him. "Because if you're not, I don't want to hear it."

Sean said nothing to this, and I said nothing as well. I didn't know how long we stood there staring at each other, but it felt like years went by even though it was barely even a couple of minutes.

"It's not like I'm trying to act like an asshole on purpose," Sean informed me now, and I had to stop myself from laughing in his face. "If it was up to me, I wouldn't be in love with you. I'd rather love Cassie, believe me."

This ticked me off just a little bit. Cassie might have been a controlling witch, but she had still been my best friend for nearly all our lives. I didn't know if she knew, but I could see that he was just using her to try to get over me.

"Could you at least try to like her?" I had to ask him, crossing my arms over my chest as I cocked a hip out to the side. "I mean, she really likes you. She always has. But she's also always known that you have feelings for me, so she thought the next best thing would be for me to date you."

"And look how well that turned out," he muttered.

I really did feel bad for Sean sometimes. But then he started acting like a prick, and all those feelings went away.

"I just have one question," he continued now, taking a step toward me and causing me to take a step back. There might have been people in the hallway with us, but that hadn't ever stopped Sean before. But instead of backing down, I merely nodded for him to continue. "Did you ever have feelings for me? At least a little bit?"

This question made me think, because I honestly didn't know the answer. Sean was attractive, and he was nice when he wanted to be. He hadn't ever been the stereotypical football jock until Blake came into the picture. He always had been my friend.

"Maybe," I answered him honestly with a shrug. "I don't even know myself. Maybe I did, once upon a time, when we were little or whatever. But any sort of romantic feeling I could have had for you is gone and will never reappear."

Sean stayed silent, and I was glad that he did. The late bell for second period was going to ring soon, and even though Sean didn't care about being late, I sure did. He wasn't the one that had to deal with Mrs. Sparks's wrath.

"I guess I'll see you around," I shrugged to him, passing right by him and continuing on my way to my second period. Much to my surprise, he didn't even try to stop me like he usually always did. I guessed he just finally realized that he had no chance with me and there was no point in fighting any longer.

I got into the classroom fifteen seconds before the bell rang, so Mrs. Sparks had no reason to bitch at me for being late. She knew I was smart enough to not be late to her class anymore after how many times I had been late.

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