chapter one

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I opened my eyes to the warm glow of the sun coming through my window. I felt a hand on my back. I turned to my wife. "You said you were going to stop working so late!"

"What​?" I yawned sitting up straight in my office chair.

"You were still awake at 4 this morning muttering about someone not writing something... I dunno but you fell asleep at your laptop but I thought you might want to know that it's 10 o'clock..."

I gave her a blank look.

"In the morning"

my expression did not change

"Work?" she laughed at the sudden realization in my face

"I've got a meeting as well!"

"Well give my love to washington and say i apologize for whatever you do this time"

"WHATS THAT MENT TO MEAN??"I complained before I closed my blank screened laptop then quickly rushed to our bedroom grabbing whatever suit and tie I could, got changed, called for a taxi, grabbed my folder and cursed 'MCfuchsia' for making me late when i usually got there early as i could.

When I reach my office I got out the car press littering the front of the building like everyday at this time. They reminded me of ants at a picnic Our company was pretty famous so in connection that meant the press was interested about everything that went on in the building and since the company had billions of pounds this didn't help the matter . Annoyingly I was the head of finance ment I got the torture of the press flashing their cameras and waving their mics my way.

Not that everyone disliked this as much as me take the asswhole head of communications, Thomas Jefferson. He loves being the center of attention. When i first got the job he had been on leave for over a year or something, not that washington (The CEO) cared or would give reason, so we only had meet about just under a year ago... the first time we met he decided to start an argument with me so we didn't get along...

The only reason i hadn't killed him yet was because washington liked him and i wanted to keep my job. I could see him in his bright pink suit (trust me no surprise there) trying to charm the press.

I loathed him completely and utterly.

I began walking towards the door avoiding Jefferson before I here him say "if you want to know about money go ask mr big pockets" he smiled in my direction sumg. This is why I normally get to work early!

"Mr. Hamilton sir what are you spending the money from the government on?" One asked waving a mic in my face.

"No comment" I mumbled, trying to get past. I was on strict instructions not to go 'blurting out' anything.

"But don't you think it's in public domain to know?" he barged in front of me, I sighed

"What's your name?" By this point there was a mob of reporters around me.

"James... James reynolds" he offered me a hand shake which i was happy to ignore.

"Learn what 'no comment' means James" the reporters went silent as I pushed passed them entering the building.

I walked to the reception. "Hi Charles!" I smiled at him. He rolled his eyes typing on his computer to sign me in before going back to reading his book and mumbling "you're signed in". He doesn't like me because I had the job he wanted and was stuck as dumb receptionist and i may of beat him up in college... and his boyfriend... oops...

I went to catch a lift to the correct floor of the board meeting only to turn the corner and see idiocy in a pink suite. I walked quickly to the stairs and began the long walk to the 51st floor. I looked at my watch...

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