chapter 2

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I packed my stuff up then caught the elevator down. When i reach the lobby i could see press still hanging outside so i decided to take the back door.that's when I walked out straight into someone.

Someone crying?

“I… Im… I'm sorry” the tearful person voice stuttered out.

“It's ok are you ok?” I asked helping them up. They had a tight fitting red top and leather jacket and short matching skirt.

“I'm fine… sorry I didn't mean to bother anyone as important like you.” Red lips spoke.

“It's fine… do you need a taxi or something?” I offered feeling bad, she look like she had been crying alot and had a black eye which was seeking refuge under locks of brown hair.

“Could you walk me home?” I noded

“What's your name?” I asked taking her the secret route to the main road to avoid any press.

“Maria” she smiled.

“Nice name, I'm Alexander” we reached her apartment block. She gave me a hug and left thanking me. I started my walk home. I check my phone to see in had messages from MCfuchsia.

~hey, I know this is random but there's a dude at work I need to get to quit (I know it sounds bad buuuuuuuuuut long story) making him angry doesn't work, any suggestions? Thanks! X

X? I felt a warm feeling on my cheeks. I stopped walking. Did they just put a kiss at the end of their message to someone they'd never met? When I reached my block, I went straight to my office. Rereading the text. I thought about their question…

-have you tried embarrassing them? Or a bet ;-)

~thats a great idea!! Thanks so much X

-why have you got to try and get him fired?

~he's a dick

-I have someone like that where I work too.

~doubt he could be worse

-You haven't met him, he thinks he's better than everyone

~mines the same, plus he never stays quiet when he's meant to

-mines the same 😂

~one day will have to get them to meet they sound perfect for each other

I smirked imagining Jefferson meeting himself.

We chatted for most the afternoon only breaking to go eat dinner with Eliza who was annoyed I hadn't said hello to her when I came in, witch was normal. MCfuchsia seemed like a cool guy, so far we hadn't had many similar interests but that just meant we poked fun at each other and had a laugh. Maybe this was good idea…

~Jefferson's POV~

I laughed reading the my new friends last message.


~yes you asked my favorite food


~it's nice, what yours?


~what is that?

-its a scottish dish, it reminds me of when i was a little kid

I smiled.

~that adorable


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