chapter 4

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We sat on the airplane listening the hosts talk at all the People. Hamilton had stolen the window seat and was turned away from me gazing out it. I leant forward so I could see his face, he looked anxious?

“Hey, you alright?”

“I've never been in a plane before” he whispered not even turning around to face me.

“It'll be alright you know” I went to put my arm around him. I stopped. No that would be wired. I logged my phone onto the wifi, rereading Tomcat51’s messages. Wishing I had him for company instead of the dick who fell asleep for the whole flight!!

When we landed I kicked Alexander in the shin to wake him up… which resulted in my arm getting bruised when I told him he was cute when he was sleepy…

I was taught never to lie…


I woke up when I felt a sharp kick. I turned confused to my side where Thomas sat smirking. “You're cute when you sleepy” I proceeded to punch him so he was distracted from the blush forcing it's way onto my cheeks.

I looked out the window it was cloudy but bright. We got off the plane and headed straight to the hotel in pure silence. The scenery was beautiful, masses of green countryside and small villages that contrasted in each other like paint. We went along the seafront of one of the smallest towns. I looked across the beach that waves softly greeted. It made me miss my home…

“Alexander be careful!” My mum giggled sitting down on the soft sand as i ran off. I jumped over the waves eyes locked on my goal: A rock about mile off shore.

I was going to reach it today no matter what my stupid brother said!

I dived in. One stroke after another. I was battling against the playful waves. Every stroke pushing me further toward my goal.

My arms began to ach. I hadn't had anything but a slice a bread to eat in the past few days and it was stopping the muscles from listening to my command.

“Alexander if you get even the slightest bit tired come back! We don't want you ending like the Palmer's little boy.” My mother shout as she noticed my slowered speed​.

I was not giving up not that easily!

I kept pushing on and on and on and on until my hand reached a rock. Adrenaline rushed through me as i claimed it right to the top and sat viewing the scenery as if it was a painting made only for me.

We passed the beach.

I looked over to Thomas he seemed lost in the world of whatever was floating from the earpiece to his ear. He glanced over raising an eyebrow. I quickly looked away muttering “it's rude not to talk to people while traveling!”

Thomas had his headphones in the whole way and didn't even take them out when we reached the main desk leaving me to talk to the receptionist.

“Hello, how may be of service?” She beamed unsettlingly cheerful and polite.

“Rooms under names Hamilton and Jefferson?”

“Please wait a moment” she typed on her computer as Jefferson made his way over.

“You could of signed yourself in?” I muttered not loud enough for the lady to her but for him to hear, “I'm not you servant!”

“You're not good enough to be” he grinned refusing to meet my angry gaze.


“Your room is number 413. Have nice night thank you for your patience.” She slid a key over to me. We waited. “Have a nice night!”

Digital hearts (hamilton, modern AU, jamilton)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat