Hot or Cold?

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Branch: *frowns* Hello... Welcome to, uhm...Troll 2 Troll where we debate the big questions.... I'm Branch.

Poppy: And I'm Poppy! *whispers* Great job Branchie! Now say the question.

Branch: What?! *shrugs* Fine. The question we will be debating for today is: Hot or Cold?

Poppy: *whispers* Well done, my man!

Branch: *blushes* What kind of hot and cold are we talking about here?

Poppy: The temperature itself. Just hot or cold.

Branch: Neither! We'll die of extreme temperature!

Poppy: C'mon, Branch. We're talking about the temperature in everyday life.

Branch: Oh, uh...I think hot?

Poppy: Mhm?

Branch: If you're referring to climate temperature, about 60% of our body is composed of water, and our bodies use water in all its cells, organs, and tissues to help regulate its temperature and maintain other bodily functions. When it's hot, we sweat and we breathe faster; and by this, it's important to rehydrate by drinking fluids and eating foods that contain water to regain the 60% that was lessened. Drinking a lot of water is very essential to our body, that is why I'd go for a hot weather — but not the kind of hotness that global warming is giving to us!

Poppy: Okay...?

Branch: If we're talking about a drink, I'd also go for hot temperature. Boiling water kills microbes and viruses that may be present in the liquid. *thinks* Hmm, though cold temperatures are good for storing food, so my decision does not completely go to hot.

Poppy: Whoa, you really give serious and hella long explanations these days, Branch!

Branch: What? Psh, it's not that long, I was just trying to be more specific this time.

Poppy: Well I don't know what to say or even explain now *whispers* thanks to Branch. *giggles* But I guess I'll go for cold? People use a lot of electricity when it's hot just for them to have a lot of air. When it's cold, however, you just need someone who'd give you a sweet, warm hug...

Branch: Oh. Actually, I agree with your answer, Poppy.

Poppy: Really? *grins*

Branch: Just the first one. Your opinion with hot temperature.

Poppy: Oh. *rolls eyes* *stops for a moment to think*

Branch: Uh, Poppy?

Poppy: B—Branch... I think I'm g—getting cold in here... *shivers*

Branch: Huh? It's not even cold

Poppy: *shivers*

Branch: *glances at Poppy*

Poppy: I—it's....c—cold... *continues to shiver* *hugs herself*

Branch: *grimaces* What is...happening with you? *hesitatingly tries to hug her*

Poppy: *shivers*

Branch: *shrugs* *looks away* Just hug yourself.

Poppy: I—I am, see? *shivers*

Branch: *takes another glimpse at Poppy* Uh... *shrugs* Fine! *lightly wraps his arms around her* *tries to look away*

Poppy: *tries hard not to giggle*

Branch: *blushes*

A few seconds later...

Branch: *tightly cuddles* *smiles* *closes eyes*

Poppy: *slightly gasps* *overbites*

A few moments later...

Poppy: Uh... *titters* Branch?

Branch: Shh...

Poppy: Branch!!

Branch: *immediately stops hugging* AAH! Oh, um...sorry. *rubs arm*

Poppy: Thanks for the warmth...

Branch: *blushes* *rubs his nape*

Poppy: ...though I wasn't really feeling cold the whole time! *cackles*

Branch: What?! Ugh... *facepalms* I knew it!

Poppy: At least I know you still have a soft side, Branch.

Branch: *blushes* Me? Psh, no way. I was just faking it!

Poppy: Ah, Branchie boy, don't deny that you literally hugged me for three minutes. *giggles*

Branch: I—it's what I do for survival, Poppy! A troll...n—needs body warmth if the air temperature is...cold. *blushes*

Poppy: But I thought you didn't agree with me on the hugging part...?

Branch: I—I's... *shrugs* *facepalms* Nevermind.

Poppy: *giggles* I knew you'd agree with my explanation! Welp, that's all for today! *winks*

Branch: *sighs in relief*

Poppy: *whispers* You haven't told me who your crush is yet!

Branch: ⊙_⊙

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