Chapter 1

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I woke up to the sound of Liam singing. And not just any singing. He was singing the Flintstones theme song or something. At seven in the morning. Sometimes I wish we hadn't given him a room key.

Harry groaned softly beside me and I chuckled, leaning to kiss him on the cheek. He snuggled up closer to me and I ran my hands through his curls. His head felt hot and he was soaked in sweat. He blinked tiredly up at me, his green eyes glazed with exhaustion.

"Go back to sleep babe. It's only seven," I told him softly kissing him softly and his eyes shut, his lashes fluttering. I rubbed his back and he was asleep in moments

"You boys awake?" Liam exclaimed coming into the room, swinging the door open.

"Shut up," I whispered furiously," Harry's still asleep. And I think he might be sick. And then you come running in to our room, yelling and singing bloody Flintstones and making it all ten times worse."

He backed up holding his hands up Sorry I didn't know he was sick. Is he okay?"

"I'm not sure. He was sweating and I think he had a fever but maybe he's just that hot normally?" Liam rolled his eyes at my pathetic joke.

"Let's see how he feels when he's up. For now let him sleep because we have our last concert tonight. Do you want me to bring you some breakfast in here?" I nodded and he left. I realized he didn't even think about me leaving Harry and grinned.


Harry woke up an hour later saying he was fine, but he still had a fever and could barely walk so we decided he needed some medicine.

We asked Paul to get some rather than us trying not to be recognized and he was back in twenty minutes. Getting Harry to take it was a completely different story.

"Here, swallow two of these and one of these and you'll feel better," Liam told Harry.

Harry shook his head," I feel fine. I don't need any pills."

"Babe it can't hurt," I tried to reason.

"Yes it can. I've read stories Lou where people take like anti-depressants when there not depressed and it ends badly. Please Lou I feel fine," he whined.

"It's flu medicine," Zayn exclaimed," it wont hurt you."

"No. I'm not taking them," Harry said stubbornly.

"Please Hazza," I said giving him my very best puppy dogface and I could see he was wavering; he was useless at resisting it.

He groaned and purposely looked the other way," Stop it Lou. I'm not taking them."

"Come on babe, do it for me?" I pleaded," I just want you to feel better."

"Fine. Give me the fucking pills," he sighed and Liam handed them over with a glass of water. He swallowed them, making a huge show of gagging at the non-existent taste. I wrapped my arms around him planting a kiss on his lips to appease him.

The five of us spent most of the morning hanging around the hotel suite, watching movies and playing games, wanting Harry to take it easy. It was kind of nice just the five of us like old times before we hit it big. Not that I'm not grateful, I obviously am but sometimes I miss just being a regular lad.

Harry kept on trying to insist he was fine even though he had barely eaten anything, still had a bit of a fever and he was shaking like a leaf. He was stubborn though so we decided to let him pretend he was fine.

After an entire day of lounging around and doing absolutely nothing we had to head to the arena we were performing at. We had had a couple shows in London already so we didn't have to rehearse, just hair and makeup and the actual show.

We were ushered into the back of the van with Harry and me in the back row. Despite his claims to be fine he fell asleep on my shoulder two minutes in. Niall snapped a picture of us claiming that one day he would show it along with the millions of other photos as soon as management let us come out. Which would likely be never.

When they got to the arena we were escorted one by one inside. I was waiting right by the door for Harry to come in and we immediately scurried away to the dressing room where they cuddled up on the couch.

Bryce the camera guy came in, looking sadly at the two of us," Sorry guys we need to get some last concert footage, you know the drill."

Harry groaned," Yeah no sitting next to each other, holding hands, dirty jokes or looking at each other." I smiled sadly at him before switching seats with Niall.

Harry's POV

We went through the same routine of hair, makeup, jokes and thoughts on the tour. I struggled to stay awake through most of it but I was pretty sure it wasn't anything major so it wasn't worth telling the lads. Now it was time for the actual show. Lou gave me one last hug before heading to the other side of the stage.

The show seemed to go on forever. I was dizzy and worn down and would have loved nothing more than to curl up in bed with Lou, some tea and a movie.

When we started Midnight Memories, I was vaguely aware that I was going to pass out. I didn't know how, I just knew. And as the blackness started to surround me, I found it welcoming, sleep sounded fantastic right then. My last conscious thought was," Lou's gonna freak!"


"Harry!" Louis screamed as Harry hit the ground. He rushed over as quickly as humanly possible and was instantly squeezing his hand trying to get him to wake up.

"Lou, there's an ambulance on it's way," Liam said. Louis took off cradling Harry in his arms like he weighed nothing, leaving the other three to deal with the crowd that had, understandably, started to panic and shout.

They tried to explain over the sounds of yelling but it was impossible for them to be heard. Liam decided it was a lost cause and motioned for the others to follow him off stage, leaving the crowd screaming about Harry.

"Boys, there you are," Paul ran into them as they sprinted backstage," Lou's on his way with Harry to the hospital. You guys grab your things and we'll meet them there."

The boys nodded and hurried to grab their things along with Louis's and Harry's. They were anxious to get to the hospital to be there for Harry but they were also terrified that something was really wrong.

Hey guys so ummmm yeah. This was a random idea that I thought I'd write. So yeah this is my first Larry so let me what you think. Huge thanks to @petals- who made the cover for this story and @WinnieThePoeh who made a fantastic cover as well. Thanks a bunch you guys *waves at them over the internet.* Hopefully you all liked the story, if you did please vote and comment. I think that's it for now. BYEEEE awesome people!

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