Chapter 13

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"Liam's gonna kill us," Zayn commented as he sent out a lifechanging tweet. IT read:

@ModsetMgmt loves our song little white LIES. It's the story of their life minus the little and white.

Niall chuckled before sending his tweet that read:

Haha @ModestMgmt claims they have our best intrests at heart. Hahaha

"Don't think Liam's gonna kill us just yet," Zayn said leaning back on the couch," he just tweeted too."

Niall burst into laughter that could onbly be described as insane relief," We're free. I can drink in public. Liam won't be as stressed. Harry and Louis... they can do whatever they want. We're free Zayn, we're free."

"Yeah," Zayn mumbled as he looked down at the ground.


Harry gasped, leading Louis to panic,"What's wrong? Should I call the nurse? Can you breath?"

"Fine Boo," tears were leaking out of the corner of his eyes now," Zayn and Ni just made some... intresting tweets," Harry squeezed Louis's hand, tears of shock and relief on his face," They went against the contract. They gave it all up."

"Liam just tweeted too," Louis said as his phone lit up,"looks like you're the only one left Haz."

"Not for long," Harry stated as he typed something rapidly into his phone,"i would like to say congrats to my fellow band mates as they're finally free from the evil clutches of Modest Managment. Good?"

"No don't send it. You're giving up on your dream," Louis protested.

"My dreams making it with you guys. Well find a different managment and we'll be good," Harry told him as he hit send, wincing as his phone lit up wiht notification after notification. When Simon called, he tossed it at Louis who caught it deftly before answering.

"Hello Louis Tomlinson speaking," he chimed.

"You boys are something else," Simone said without missing a beat,"I just got the call from Modest saying you're all dropped and I've already had 3 other managements call and ask to sign you boys. I'll negotiate a deal with one of them as soon as I can."

"Simon? could you make sure that me and Harry can, well ya know, be us. I couldn't handle another contract like that," Louis winced at the thought.

"If it'll keep you boys happy I'm all for it. Seems that's all the fans want anyways. I've got a lot on my plate but I'll be in touch soon. Tell Harry I wish him well."

Louis smiled softly,"Okay will do. Bye Simon."

Harry looked at Louis with questioning eyes to which Louis nodded,"We're free?" Harry whispered, eyes wet.

Louis grinned, wrapping himself around Harry,"We're free. We're finally free and we're never going to be stuck like that again. Oh god baby we're free," Louis exclaimed as he covered Harry's face in kisses.

Gemma came bouncing in, not caring that she was interrupting. and jumped in on the hug,"I saw on twitter. You're no longer signed with modest. You can do whatever you want for the first time in forever!"

"Gemma if you start singing fucking Disney I will grab all my IV and heart moniters and shit and walk right out of here," Harry warned.

"Awwww is little hawwy grouchy wouchy cause he didn't have enough sleepy bye?" Genma cooed as she pinched his cheeks.

"Gemma stop," Harry breathed.

"Well if you're gonna be like that I guess I'll go pick mom and Eleanor up ," Gemma sighed as she stood from her seat.

"Mum?" Harry gasped

"And Eleanor?" Louis grinned.

"Yes yes all very sweet, you get to see your mum and your old friend, my hearts realy melting. I'll see you two idiots later," she called as she left.

Louis's phone went off and he chuckled,"boys here in 3, 2."

Three young men came sailing through the door jumping on the bed and attacking Harry and Louis with hugs, their cries if joy impossible to understand.

When the commotion died down Harry noticed Zayn hadn't said a word,"Something wrong?"

"Perries still with modest. She just called me. We're not allowed to date anymore and the wedding's cancelled for now."

Harrys face softened,"Why'd you do it then?"

Zayn thought about it," I wanted you and Lou happy. I wanted to see you guys smile. And we'll find another managment. Don't you worry about it."

"Why's everyone always saying that? Why can't I worry?" Harry complained.

"We just don't want you stressed out," Zayn assured him, rubbing his legs in comfort.

"Well I'm still stressed so don't bother. And Zayn that's not even vaguely comofrting because I can't feel my fucking legs at all. So it'd be a lot better if you just come give me a hug,' Harry whimpered.

Zayn obliged, giving the thin boy a tight squeeze."It'll all work itself out,' Zayn promised.

A nurse entered with a food tray, filled with mashed potatoes, jello and a bottle of water. "Eat up sweetheart."

Harry attempted to reach for the spoon but Louis shoved his hand away," Your hand's are shaking darling. Let me." Harry was left with no choice but to be embarrased as Louis fed him like he was a baby.

"Lou," Harry whispered," I'm gonna," his words were cut off as he emptied his stomach onto the tray, repeatedly, barely able to catch his breath. Liam grabbed the trash can and held it in place while Louis and Niall rubbed his back and Zayn went running down the halll screaming that they needed a nurse.

Harry was wheeled off to the ICU when the nurses noticed the amount of blood that Harry vomited. He was given numerous needles, and hooked up to more machine including an oxygen tank. None of the boys were allowed in while the doctors were frantically trying to improve his condition but Harry could see them through the window.

Louis had unnoticed tears streaking down his face as he signed lovebirds in a desperate hope to distract Harry. Niall was standing rigt beside him, gently rubbing Louis's back in reassurance as he smiled sadly at Harry. Zayn was arguing with the nurse and Harry couldn't see Liam as he had sunk to floor, burying his head in his heads.

It felt like hours before one of the doctors informed them that they could go inside and see Harry, but they had to be quiet and calm. They all paled as they caught full view of the barely conscious boy, where it was now apparent he was fighting a losing battle against his own body.

"Did they say anything?" Harry croaked, shaky hands reaching for Louis's.

"Just that we could come see you. That's all. Zayn grab an extra blanket, he's freezing," Zayn obliged, tossing it over and Louis carefully unfolded it and draped it over Harry, whispering false words of comfort.

"Go to sleep Love. Dream about our wedding day," Louis winced at his words, realizing he was giving both of them false hope.

AN:First of all I'm officially on summer vacation so hopefully I can update more. Second I'M GOING TO NEW YORK IN AUGUST. And I'm freaking out cuz they'res fashion and Broadway and yeah. Finally I have several non fanfic stories that I want to start so keep an eye out for those. Thats all for now


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