Chapter 2

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Louis’s POV

So this is what terror felt like. I thought I had known true fear before now, when I had gone on the biggest rollercoaster at the fair or my first X-factor audition. But it’s only now, as I sit in a hospital room gripping Harry’s hand, that I realize this is what terror really feels like, gripping me, making it difficult to breath and think straight. All of this because, for a few minutes, I thought Harry was dead.

He’s not, thankfully. He’s beside me passed out in a hospital bed hooked up to about thirty wires. Which definitely isn’t good, but he’s alive.

After Harry was loaded into the ambulance, which feels like hours ago, they hooked him up to an oxygen mask to try and get his breathing back to normal. When we got to the hospital they sprinted inside with me racing after them. That was when he got hooked up to all the machines and they ran a bunch of tests that consisted of poking him with various needles for different reasons. I was glad he was unconscious for that because he was absolutely terrified of needles.

The doctors and nurses left after that leaving me with an unconscious Harry.

Just then I was interrupted from my thoughts by the door swinging wide open, followed by the footsteps of Niall, Liam, Zayn and Paul. Niall’s eyes were red like he’d been crying and Liam and Zayn didn’t look much better. Paul was holding himself together which was likely the only reason the lads even made it here in one piece.

Zayn looked at me, clearly wanting to know what was wrong but I just shook my head. There was nothing I could tell him and if I spoke I might start crying again.

Paul left the room, presumably to call management or something and Niall came and sat beside me wrapping his arms around me in an attempt to comfort me but all I needed was Harry, my Harry, to wake up and be fine and tell us that it was some big joke.

Part of my wish came true when five minutes later Harry stirred, blinking tiredly at us. I immediately grabbed his hand, squeezing it to let him now I was there.

“Lou?” he whispered, voice cracking,” What happened?”

“You passed out Haz. You came in an ambulance here and they ran a bunch of tests,” I replied softly, sitting on the edge of the bed.

“Oh,” was his reply,” Is that why my back hurts?”

I nodded, ”Yeah they did a spinal tap. How bad does it hurt love? Should we call a nurse? Is it really bad?” I found myself unintentionally panicking.

“Louis calm down. No need to freak out,” Liam said, chuckling slightly and I noticed Harry was grinning at how worked up I had gotten.

“I’m fine Lou. Just a question that’s all,” he said rolling his eyes.

“You sure?” he nodded,” Okay but tell me if it gets worse. Why don’t you get some sleep?” I suggested.

“Stay with me?” he asked, looking up at me.

“Course,” I said lying carefully next to him, wrapping my arms around him. He was asleep within a minute.

“Sometimes you guys are too cheesy for words,” Zayn smirked at me.

I shrugged,” So what happened after we left?” I asked.

“Well we tried to calm down the fans which didn’t work so we grabbed our stuff and left. Here’s your phone by the way,” he handed it to me and one glance told me what I already expected, my twitter had gone crazy.

“It took us ages to get out of the parking lot,” Niall continued,” all the fans were in the way.”

“So do they know what’s wrong with Harry?” Zayn asked, looking terrified of the answer.

“No one would tell me anything. I have absolutely no clue what’s wrong,” I said softly.

“I’m sure its nothing a bit of medication can’t fix,” Liam reassured me. I nodded but I didn’t believe him for a moment.

That was how we spent the rest of the night, talking quietly or falling asleep for short periods of time.

Around six in the morning we were all awoken by a middle-aged doctor coming in with his clipboard. Harry could barely open his eyes and I told him to lie back down. Immediately I could tell two things from his expression. One I would not like this man and two it was bad news.

“Hello I’m Dr. Adams,” more like Doctor Asshole,” and I’ll be in charge of Harry’s treatment.”

“Treatment?” Zayn exclaimed,” What do you mean treatment?”

“I was getting to that. The test results came in. I’m sorry to say this but Harry’s been diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia. There are a few treatment options but we’re likely going to start with chemo. It’s treatable.” Niall and Liam had started crying but I wasn’t gonna breakdown yet.

Harry interrupted his explanation, face hardest with determination,” Doctor Adams? If treatment doesn’t work, how long will I have to live?” Only Harry would have the guts to ask such a thing.

Dr. Asshole, whoops Adams, looked down at his stupid clipboard,” If treatment doesn’t work, which is highly unlikely, you will have about a year to live.”

And to my complete surprise, Harry didn’t cry or scream. He simply threw his arms around my neck and buried his face in my chest.

That was when I finally broke down completely. I could lose him. The one person on earth whom I loved more than life itself. And he could be gone. I found myself wrapping my arms around him as tight as possible, afraid he might disappear right then.

“It’ll be okay Har. It’ll all be okay,” I whispered in his ear.

He looked up at me,” I know Lou. As long as I have you everything will be okay”

Well that was kinda sad. I swear I didn't mean for it to be THAT sad. Well maybe *cackles evily* So anyways hoped you liked this chapter. I'm hopinh to update on one of my stories Friday but I'm not going to promise in case I can't. So vote and comment if you enjoyed. Byeeee my wonderful peoples !

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